Sunday, September 18, 2016

Running on Empty


Joneses.jpg                                                                                       Edition 349 Monday 19/09/16






Hi,I have spent a bit of time talking about things to be grateful for lately.One thing that appears high on my daily list is ‘health and fitness’.I tend to take this one a little bit for granted but was reminded this weekend how lucky I really am.I spent most of the weekend in bed trying to recover from  something but don’t know what?Hard to explain medically but try a mans version….worst feeling in the world,hit the wall, run down,out of gas,hot, cold,achey shaky and flakey amongst others!!!

I am grateful my family tolerated me back to health even if they thought I deserved an acting Oscar.

Fletcher reckons;feeling crook is no excuse for not keeping two hands on the steering wheel at all times and he regularly reminds his Father about what he sees as a key flaw in driving technique!

Our son is a good wake up call alarm in the car and certainly puts me off any temptation to drive with one hand or check emails and texts which can only be a good thing.

As it turns out it was a good weekend to spend in bed because of the stormy weather although Fletcher and Christine headed out into the elements when answering my calls for attention became too much for them…(see attached).

Go the mighty invincible ABs and the amazing ,inspiring Para-Olympians!

Cant wait to rip into another ‘Upbeat’ week ahead,hope you do too!…….Cheers Jonesey!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon they never moan that much when they feel crook!!




“What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?” George Eliot


The Consumer Gurantee Act is a great thing but how far should it go?

Christine bought a new pair of running shoes last week and opted for a pair of off roaders.

She did this after consultation with the sales guy who asked her a lot of questions about where she normally ran etc.

We had not bought her old pair to the store with us (always a good idea to do so) so it was a bit difficult getting the fit and feel right.

She went for a walk and two runs in the new shoes which hurt her a great deal so they clearly werent right.

She called the store and talked to the guy who sold her the shoes and he offered to take them back and swap them for a better fitting model.

This time we took the old ones with us and she made sure she thoroughly cleaned the off roaders so they were in immaculate order.

The guy at the store was unbelievably nice and super appreciative of the effort Christine had made to clean the off road shoes before returning them.

He told us about aggressive customers returning shoes covered in mud and expecting him to not only replace them but to clean them as well!!

He said that their store was always willing to sort something out for its customers especially ones like her who were appreciative and responsible even with the Consumer Guarantee ACT in place.

So what did we learn here;

  • Courtesy,friendliness and responsibilty are infectious
  • Smiths Sports Shoes rock (Mt Eden and Albany) and we recommend them to you all!!
  • Always take your old pair of shoes when buying a new pair for a fail safe solution!


We couldn’t speak more highly of this store or its staff,something all companies need to strive for !


“Our attitude towards others determines their attitude toward us”. Earl Nightingale

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