Sunday, May 29, 2016

Ruff :)




                                                                                       Edition 333 Monday 30/05/16Joneses.jpg






Hi,I have never been any good at listening to my body or anyone else for that matter!

The thing I have learned the hard way is that in order to live a healthy and productive life it is important to do both.Amen,about time, as I was able to prove on both counts last week. Firstly by listening to my body I took some time out to recover from illness rather than attempting to train through it regardless like I would normally.Yes,as an elite athlete it was frustrating but I bounced back quickly all the better for the rest.Secondly by biting my tongue and listening carefully to what I was being told instead of interrupting and rudely insisting I knew best I was able to actually see and accept someone elses point of view.Older,weaker and meeker,yes,but also worldly and wise at last!

Fletcher reckons; his Daycare trip to the Sky Tower was a definite highlight and once he was able to coax his Father out of the lift on the observation deck then Dad enjoyed it too!!(sort of).

Crikey I discovered muscles I didn’t know I had after picking and stacking firewood on the weekend.

I felt like I had played a couple of games of rugby or been backed over by a bus.

As a special treat I soaked in a nice hot bath after doing battle with the pile of pine blocks in the driveway until our son thought that looked far too relaxing and jumped in too!!(grrrr)!!

Whilst I am used to not getting the call it was still disappointing to miss out on yet another All Black team however I wish Steve,Kieran and the boys all the best for the coming year!!(bring it on !!).

I also wish you and your team the best of luck for the coming week……Cheers Jonesey


Harry and the Hendersons reckon I should also try listening to them more too!!(Ruff).




“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new”. Socrates


There is only one constant in life today and that is CHANGE.

The problem with that is we are creatures of habit and comfort so change can be Ruff.

‘They’ say we need to embrace change and to have an open mind towards it.

Thing is ,often we think……‘if it aint broke why fix it’?

Sometimes we don’t know its broke or about to be so change is often a visionary proactive thing.

Change is happening so rapidly in every aspect of our lives that sometimes we are not introduced and used to one change before another is happening that is updating it further.

It is natural to be set in your ways and to be resistent to change however this will not exempt you.

So…..what to do????

Its best to go with the flow and to make sure any changes in your life are made with your input and feedback to ensure they benefit and ultimately suit you.

I have recently had input and ongoing feedback into a change process that I ensured will benefit me.

The thing for me to do now having had involvement is produce the results I have promised to deliver!

The thing everyone in the change process needs to understand and accept is that changes are made for reasons not for fun or to inconvenience.

They are part of a continual improvement process we must all buy into and accept is necessary.

If you accept changes without questions,challenge and push back then you cant complain about the outcome.You need to become an integral part of the process to ensure the outcome is a success with you very much a part of its future.

Yes,we all have the choice to vote with our feet however thats the easy way out and why would you?

Change agents want the best for their organisations,they are not interested in old dogs who don’t want to learn new tricks.Wise old dogs instead lead the way by providing the catalyst for change!!!

Ruff Ruff.


“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change”. Jim Rohn

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