I also havent met many people who don’t take a regular lotto ticket each week…..just in case, or having to in order to be ‘in to win’ . It is fun talking and dreaming about what you would do if you were lucky enough to win !. Its especially exciting to imagine winning millions and listing all the stuff you would buy, adding and deleting people from the list of possible recipients?, calculating interst payments and picturing the ongoing lifestyle associated with this stack of ‘passive ‘ income !.It is also cool to buy a ticket from somewhere different or out of town when travelling! Unfortunately this is offset by the ‘coming down’ process on the day you check your unlucky ticket or hear that the big prize went to the Eketahuna Four Square a million miles away ! Never give in folks because ‘someone has to win’….in fact I met a winner on Saturday her name is Yvonne and she is the happy lady at our local lotto counter.She was part of a syndicate that won big 20 years ago($5 lucky dip).Yvonne received $180k and was able to move from her state house where as a solo parent she had raised her two kids for 18 years into her own home. She also had enough left over to buy the kids and herself a car each! It was nice to hear about someone so deserving getting to ‘live the lotto dream’. I promptly upsized my powerball ticket!! I was tempted to get her to kiss the ticket but thought that might be overdoing it !....I am looking forward to the big day and having lots of fun dreaming in the meantime!
Dear Pat and the boys, well done against the Bulls, come home, all is forgiven, well almost all !
I hope you had a happy and possibly ‘lucky’ fun weekend with family and friends, cheers Jonesey!
Harry and the Hendersons don’t care what your day or the traffic was like they are happy to see you,unconditionally,so don’t even think about being a grump. Perfect perspective!!
A Code for Professional selling….or any profession for that matter….
- You will find honesty and integrity.
- You will be listened to . I will seek to understand.
- You will be told the truth, how it is and as it happens.
- We will be working towards mutual gain.
- You can expect me to follow though on the promises I make.
- You can expect me to be committed to my own personal development.
- You can expect me to be an ambassador for the sales profession.
This is a cool code I came across on the NZ Sales Manager website recently. I was so impressed with it I have printed and laminated it and now carry it with me in my sales portfolio.
I try to read this before every sales call or meeting I have so that it focuses me on my behaviour and the desired outcome. I have sales people who call on me regularly and it is quickly apparent that they are not focused on their actions or objectives. This doesn’t only apply to the sales profession, it applies to every business or personal interaction. If you read the code you will agree that these are things we should all be doing whenever we interact with someone, face to face, by email or phone.
I hope you also find it useful no matter what you do. It is finding and using stuff like this that serves to focus and continually improve our individual and collective performance. There is a lot of material available to us all like this that we should take more time to read and use. I trust you are able to do so in this case. Good luck, have a safe, fun and successful week.
“The four-way test of the things we think,say,or do….1) is it the truth….2)is it fair to all concerned?…3)will it build goodwill and better relationships?...4)will it be beneficial to all concerned? Rotary International Motto
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