Sunday, March 25, 2012

PC Jones !!!

Edition 132 Monday 26th March 2012
Hi, I reckon we are far too PC. It is easy to become that way if you are exposed to it too much or dont give yourself a stiff upper cut occasionally! Failing that there are certain things that happen where you can either be PC or you can tell it like it is. I had one such ‘final straw’ occasion in the last week and I am pleased to say that I chose the ‘tell it like it is’ route. Now it would be fair to say I do like the sound of my own loud voice and that does tend to get up some peoples noses. For every five people that like you there will be five that don’t. As hard as someone like me who loves to be the centre of attention finds this to handle it is accurate in my case. So I happened to find myself exposed to five of the people who clearly have a problem with me and how I do things. This had a profound and deep affect on me but rather than grin and thank them for cutting me down I decided to make my true feelings known instead. This had a liberating affect on me personally as years of grinning and bearing it was released in one foul swoop. I realised that I had been far too accomodating and nice to inferior people that just continued to kick sand in my face. Sadly I had wasted my time towing the line when there are better things to be investing time and energy into. I don’t expect lots of hot air or to be falsly complimented but I do like to have genuine effort fairly acknowledged.
Crikey….that felt good,I think too many of us get treated like we are fools or inferior when we know we are so much better than that and those people who think they can treat us that way. My message to you today fellow ‘upbeat’ tall poppies is “rise up and tell those fools exactly like it is, lead follow or get out of the way because our time is too valuable to have our superior intellect insulted!!!
Dear Pat, running 15th out of 15 now there is only one way from here bro….we hope!!
I hope you had another cool weekend having time and fun with family and friends, cheers Jonesey!

 Harry and the Hendersons have been a little sensitive around the grumpy man lately especially after the Blues lost in the last minute and after the speech contest meltdown!!

“Whoever said “Its not whether you win or lose that counts, probably lost. M Navratilova

Following on the ‘far too PC’ theme I am not one of those people that say ‘winning isnt everything’ To me winning is everything and I want to do everything in my power to win.
I know you ‘cant win them all’ but if you have the winning attitude towards competing then you will certainly win more than you lose. If however you go into battle or competition without that attitude you will find that more often than not you will be left making up the numbers . The key after losing or failure is to analyse the reasons for the loss and to change the things you have control over so next time you prevent the loss happening again.This applies in business and sport.
I coached a lot of rugby teams from 5 year olds right up to young adults. I placed a huge emphasis on the importance of everyone participating both on and off the field. My philosophy was that we were all an integral part of the team, we played for each other and made sure none of us was a weak link.A team is at all times only as strong as that weakest link. I also instilled the belief that playing the game was supposed to be fun but who ever heard onf anyone enjoying losing !!!
There are similarities between the sporting and business world and they revolve around developing a winning culture. Your success or failure is linked to how badly you want to win and how badly you hate losing. I can remember sitting in a changing room after losing a  championship final and listening to the winning team several rooms away celebrating. Our room was silent and our coach said……listen to this room… the silence of the ‘if onlys’, listen to our opposition that is the sound of success. He then said “ We need to want to win so badly that we never experience the silence of ‘if only’ again.” That my upbeat friends is the difference between success and failure,have a great week!

“Winners expect to win in advance. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Vince Lombardi

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