Sunday, March 25, 2012

PC Jones !!!

Edition 132 Monday 26th March 2012
Hi, I reckon we are far too PC. It is easy to become that way if you are exposed to it too much or dont give yourself a stiff upper cut occasionally! Failing that there are certain things that happen where you can either be PC or you can tell it like it is. I had one such ‘final straw’ occasion in the last week and I am pleased to say that I chose the ‘tell it like it is’ route. Now it would be fair to say I do like the sound of my own loud voice and that does tend to get up some peoples noses. For every five people that like you there will be five that don’t. As hard as someone like me who loves to be the centre of attention finds this to handle it is accurate in my case. So I happened to find myself exposed to five of the people who clearly have a problem with me and how I do things. This had a profound and deep affect on me but rather than grin and thank them for cutting me down I decided to make my true feelings known instead. This had a liberating affect on me personally as years of grinning and bearing it was released in one foul swoop. I realised that I had been far too accomodating and nice to inferior people that just continued to kick sand in my face. Sadly I had wasted my time towing the line when there are better things to be investing time and energy into. I don’t expect lots of hot air or to be falsly complimented but I do like to have genuine effort fairly acknowledged.
Crikey….that felt good,I think too many of us get treated like we are fools or inferior when we know we are so much better than that and those people who think they can treat us that way. My message to you today fellow ‘upbeat’ tall poppies is “rise up and tell those fools exactly like it is, lead follow or get out of the way because our time is too valuable to have our superior intellect insulted!!!
Dear Pat, running 15th out of 15 now there is only one way from here bro….we hope!!
I hope you had another cool weekend having time and fun with family and friends, cheers Jonesey!

 Harry and the Hendersons have been a little sensitive around the grumpy man lately especially after the Blues lost in the last minute and after the speech contest meltdown!!

“Whoever said “Its not whether you win or lose that counts, probably lost. M Navratilova

Following on the ‘far too PC’ theme I am not one of those people that say ‘winning isnt everything’ To me winning is everything and I want to do everything in my power to win.
I know you ‘cant win them all’ but if you have the winning attitude towards competing then you will certainly win more than you lose. If however you go into battle or competition without that attitude you will find that more often than not you will be left making up the numbers . The key after losing or failure is to analyse the reasons for the loss and to change the things you have control over so next time you prevent the loss happening again.This applies in business and sport.
I coached a lot of rugby teams from 5 year olds right up to young adults. I placed a huge emphasis on the importance of everyone participating both on and off the field. My philosophy was that we were all an integral part of the team, we played for each other and made sure none of us was a weak link.A team is at all times only as strong as that weakest link. I also instilled the belief that playing the game was supposed to be fun but who ever heard onf anyone enjoying losing !!!
There are similarities between the sporting and business world and they revolve around developing a winning culture. Your success or failure is linked to how badly you want to win and how badly you hate losing. I can remember sitting in a changing room after losing a  championship final and listening to the winning team several rooms away celebrating. Our room was silent and our coach said……listen to this room… the silence of the ‘if onlys’, listen to our opposition that is the sound of success. He then said “ We need to want to win so badly that we never experience the silence of ‘if only’ again.” That my upbeat friends is the difference between success and failure,have a great week!

“Winners expect to win in advance. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Vince Lombardi

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The 'Critical T'

Edition 131 Monday 19th March 2012

Hi,funny stuff happens sometimes…following last weeks note on lotto I inadvertently fell into watching a movie called “It could happen to you” where a NY cop short of money to pay for a coffee offers half of any proceeds from his lottery ticket in his wallet to the waitress. Yip he wins $4m! and the ‘good guy wins the waitress and NY’ story unfolds from there!!
We were out at dinner with family and friends and got talking golfing disasters which was hilarious. On the way out of the restaurant we met a chap coming up the stairs who appeared to have stopped for a rest. I said “having a break mate?” to which he answered, “no , I was just trying to figure out what is wrong with my golf game !” tell me about it mate, how did he know?!(2nd hand ball anyone?) Im flat out fine tuning my prepared speech contest entry after having been lucky enough to win our club contest from some hot competition. Toastmasters is not only a great environment to develop leadership and communication skills but it also provides opportunities for the competitive amongst us to pit our skills against each other in club, area, division and district competitions. The sky is the limit for those who aspire to be the best they can be with the ultimate prize being the world championship of public speaking contested annually in the U.S.A. Two New Zealanders have achieved that pinnacle of success in the last twenty years, how far could you go?, why not join a club and find out ? !!!! Speaking of being competitive no ‘Upbeat’ would be complete without looking in on those Blues!!!!!....
Dear Pat I know rugby isnt everything (it’s the only thing!) there is a lot to like about the way the Chiefs and the Highlanders are playing at the moment…take a leaf mate. R.I.P. Jock Hobbs (legend).
I hope some funny stuff happened this weekend to you, your family and friends, cheers Jonesey!

 Harry got the jump on the Hendersons when he cleaned up the 2 litre hokey pokey container watching ‘chick flicks’ with his old man  !(not so silly that wily woolly old dog).

“The critical T is to selling what hokey pokey is to icecream” Jonesey
Everyone knows what the ‘critical T ‘ is……….right?...wrong…..not me, well maybe but not completely? I had sort of been doing something like it, more like I was crossing the T without providing it with a stick to cross??? What on earth am I talking about?The critical T is what good sales people should do everytime they visit or sell to a customer.
You see they create a T out of the call by visiting the customer each side and straight across the road from the one they have called on!......ahhhhh the critical T yip I know it you say but… many of us footpath pacers are conscientiously drawing the T per call?
 As I have mentioned in a previous episode of the Ssssizzle  I try to make one cold call before or after a planned call but don’t allow sufficient time to complete a T. The gentleman who reminded me of this useful technique sells heat pumps door to door and is highly successful as a result of adopting this approach. He uses the critical T in every case a heat pump is purchased and installed in a residential street. People naturally talk and recommend good quality and service to their neighbours hence the success of this method. Their heat pump installation teams have been expanded several times but still have difficulty keeping up,such is the unprecedented demand for this product.
 Sales is a numbers game , the more calls , the more rejection but more importantly the more wins because on average for every 10 calls we will receive 9 no’s or maybes and 1 yes! The ‘critical T is a brilliant tool for increasing our call and hit rate,remember “Fish where the fish are!”
Why not allow the time to try the T this week, I know I cant wait to……..good luck , have a big one!
Remember my note recently referring to what a great company I thought Mainfreight are , well last week founder Bruce Pleisted turned 70!, and because he has never felt in a better space and attributes that to the success of his baby,Mainfreight, he gave every employee that has been with Mainfreight for over a year $1000 out of his own money (tax free as a gift) to say thanks! AWESOME!
Mainfreight have 5000 employees so that was a huge $5m vote of thanks…….WOW how cool is that!
“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership” H.S.Firestone

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The winning code !

Hi,what would you do?, and with the odds heavily stacked against us I havent met many people who don’t love talking about what they would do…..YES if they won Lotto !
I also havent met many people who don’t take a regular lotto ticket each week…..just in case, or having to in order to be ‘in to win’ . It is fun talking and dreaming about what you would do if you were lucky enough to win !. Its especially exciting to imagine winning millions and listing all the stuff you would buy, adding and deleting people from the list of possible recipients?, calculating interst payments and picturing the ongoing lifestyle associated with this stack of ‘passive ‘ income !.It is also cool to buy a ticket from somewhere different or out of town when travelling! Unfortunately this is offset by the ‘coming down’ process on the day you check your unlucky ticket or hear that the big prize went to the Eketahuna Four Square a million miles away ! Never give in folks because ‘someone has to win’….in fact I met a winner on Saturday her name is Yvonne and she is the happy lady at our local lotto counter.She was part of a syndicate that won big 20 years ago($5 lucky dip).Yvonne received $180k and was able to move from her state house where as a solo parent she had raised her two kids for 18 years into her own home. She also had enough left over to buy the kids and herself a car each! It was nice to hear about someone so deserving getting to ‘live the lotto dream’. I promptly upsized my powerball ticket!! I was tempted to get her to kiss the ticket but thought that might be overdoing it !....I am looking forward to the big day and having lots of fun dreaming in the meantime!
Dear Pat and the boys, well done against the Bulls, come home, all is forgiven, well almost all !
I hope you had a happy and possibly ‘lucky’ fun weekend with family and friends, cheers Jonesey!

 Harry and the Hendersons don’t care what your day or the traffic was like they are happy to see you,unconditionally,so don’t even think about being a grump. Perfect perspective!!

A Code for Professional selling….or any profession for that matter….
  • You will find honesty and integrity.
  • You will be listened to . I will seek to understand.
  • You will be told the truth, how it is and as it happens.
  • We will be working towards mutual gain.
  • You can expect me to follow though on the promises I make.
  • You can expect me to be committed to my own personal development.
  • You can expect me to be an ambassador for the sales profession.

This is a cool code I came across on the NZ Sales Manager website recently. I was so impressed with it I have printed and laminated it and now carry it with me in my sales portfolio.
I try to read this before every sales call or meeting I have so that it focuses me on my behaviour and the desired outcome. I have sales people who call on me regularly and it is quickly apparent that they are not focused on their actions or objectives. This doesn’t only apply to the sales profession, it applies to every business or personal interaction. If you read the code you will agree that these are things we should all be doing whenever we interact with someone, face to face, by email or phone.
I hope you also find it useful no matter what you do. It is finding and using  stuff like this that serves to focus and continually improve our individual and collective performance. There is a lot of material available to us all like this that we should take more time to read and use. I trust you are able to do so in this case. Good luck, have a safe, fun and successful week.

“The four-way test of the things we think,say,or do….1) is it the truth….2)is it fair to all concerned?…3)will it build goodwill and better relationships?...4)will it be beneficial to all concerned? Rotary International Motto

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Having 'balls'

Hi, wheeling and dealing has always been a passion of mine. I am keen to turn a buck out of anything, even something as simple as taking Harry and the Hendersons for a walk has turned into a money making venture ! How so??, well we head for the local golf couse and walk in the rough alongside a couple of holes. The dogs love it off the beaten track and this Jones boy always uncovers a couple of golf balls along the way (record is 5 on one walk to date). So after a month of this I have amassed a pile of golf balls and most are top quality,near new. The commercial plan is to sell these back to the club pro shop who in turn sell them back to their original owners with us all clipping the ticket along the way. A quick calculation based on the return from two holes multiplied by the remaining 16 on the course and this could become quite a lucrative pass time. My thinking was I could hire some kids after school to cover the other holes and maybe the other courses in the district. I would pay them per ball add a margin and on it goes. Another money spinning initiative has been selling roadside inorganic throw aways on trademe. Apart from the buzz of running a trademe auction every little sale adds up, especially when the goods come at no cost. There is real truth in the sayings…..There is “money in muck” and “someones trash is someone elses treasure”. Yes it will take some time to amass enough cash to buy the Kim .com mansion but every high roller has to start somewhere. For me it is the fun aspect more than anything that drives me and the fact that stuff that was headed for the landfill is given another life via my passion for wheeling and dealing…..the perfect environmentally sustainable outcome for a Green Gorilla.
As predicted last week supporting the Blues this season is going to cause health problems so I am close to considering another team (Highlanders looking good) or shock horror possibly even resorting to the ‘minor code’ Warriors as my team this year? If the Blues didn’t come back from South Africa I  don’t think I would be too upset after their feeble start to the season….over it !!
I hope you all survived the ‘weather bomb’ and had some fun with your families and friends over the weekend. Have a cool week , take care, cheers Jonesey.

 Harry and the Hendersons could have told anyone that would listen that the Blues were ugly this season. The canine care union(CCU) is also angling for a slice of the golf ball venture payment action on their behalf !!!! ….crikey ,give an entrepreneur a break !!!  

“Passion drives positive attitude, together they are powerful allies.”  Vince Lombardi

I had to meet a GM last week to interview him as part of an acquisition evaluation project. I was impressed to observe how amazingly passionate this gentleman was about what he and his company were doing.  His passion was infectious and it became quickly apparent that any future involvement with him and his business either directly or via the company we were looking at acquiring would have a high chance of success. It was one of those meetings that you know is going to go well right from the start with the obvious passion driving and creating a positive upbeat attitude toward the opportunity we were discussing. Add to this the fact that we had a lot in common from our business and sporting past and you had a recipe for open and progressive discussion. The result couldn’t have been better with an agreement to work together and a strong endorsement for the acquisition opportunity we are considering.The thing I got the most from this meeting was the obvious effect the passion and positivity had on the proceedings. I know I talk about the benefits of adopting an ‘upbeat’ attitude to everything we possibly can but here was a real life example of how much of a difference doing this can make.It was tremendously satisfying to see this working back towards me and to feel first hand my own reactions to being treated in this manner. I hope that you are all adopting this approach to your business and private lives and noticing the difference it can and does make for you and to others.
“Passion burns bright in the eyes of winners from deep within their soul.” Zig Ziglar