Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sales tips for Dummies!




                                                                                       Edition 422 Monday 09/04/18


Hi,crikey what a week,it was all going on,adjusting to daylight saving hours, Soccer season kick off, crazy as 5 year going on 15 year old and equally as nutty and hypo new puppy!

We both couldn’t wait to get to work for a rest and were totally shot come the weekend!

As a nice contrast I took time out during the week for some last outdoor swims at Onehunga and Panmure pools and spent time in the beauty of Cornwall Park (see pic)one lunch time!

Fletcher reckons my footy coaching tecnique is a ‘work on’ however he is proud I am having another crack 40 years on after my first bunch of 5 years olds at the mighty NSRFC!

He also reckons there is nothing wrong having a mannequin as a friend (see pic).

Something funny about the arrival of mannequins at 48 via one of my customers.I found myself collecting these from a busy Mall late Friday afternoon.3 male and 3 female naked torso’s being carried through shoppers (careful where to place hands).Their arms and hands flailing and falling everywhere (why do these special little jobs always turn to custard?!!!).

Talking about time out, one of the things I love doing is handwriting and sending letters or cards to family overseas.Even in this instant world of social media there is something special about sending something via the ‘old school’ postal service(rough handwriting and all!!).

School hols looming and plenty of other exciting stuff…hang in there……Cheers Jonesey


Kate and Lily reckon they shouldn’t have to compete with ‘dummies’ for attention!





“The word listen contains the same letters as the word silent.”


Crikey I had an interesting situation last week.

I invited a mate of mine in to talk to the boss about what he does and how it might help us?

So this guy runs his own training company and has invited us to events in the past.

He spent some time recently with members of our team which proved valuable.

So with that build up the scene was set to explore further opportunities to work together.

Picture this as a sales person, a perfect intro to a potential ongoing relationship with us.

My so called sales guru bud fronts up at the meeting brimming with confidence (as you do).

Luckily I was present as whilst the meeting started well it soon went pear shaped.

For all his experience of advising others on how to sell my friend ignored his own advice!

He ploughed into recounting a myriad of facts and figures without listening to the boss!

As one who has learned the hard way about not listening to the boss I saw the signs!

There was potential for the meeting to end abruptly however I was able to intervene.

I subtley steered us away from the rocks and into calmer waters and back on track.

The upshot was we eventually got to where we needed to be and kept the deal alive.

Interestingly our guest believed his own press instead of allowing us to call the shots?

Unreal that someone who makes a living from assisting people to sell cant do so himself?

It is no good being an expert on the theory if you cant deliver in practise!

For me it was a good lesson in humility, no matter how good you think you are you cant live on reputation and knowledge alone, you have to deliver the goods in person…everytime.

We don’t all get a second chance so lets hope my mate takes advantage of his next time!

Be humble and listen at least twice as much as you talk……good advice for us all!!


“Hearing is listening to what is said.Listening is hearing what isn’t said.”

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