Monday, April 2, 2018

My Super Hero




                                                                                       Edition 421 Tuesday 02/04/18


Hi,I was so proud of my ‘superhero’ wife last week.We were attending the funeral of our friend when an elderly lady collapsed from the heat outside the church. Quick as a flash Christine morphed into rescue mode 101 assiting to keep the dear old lady alive and comfortable while waiting for the ambulance to arrive….you go girl, what a legend!xxxx

My mate committed suicide yet I didn’t meet anyone at what was a huge funeral last week who had any idea he was battling with depression and some major financial issues!!??

There was a clear message, if you are in trouble in the water what do you do?...put your hand up. If you are in trouble in life what do you do….talk to someone, don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for help….big boys DO cry and its OK to do just that…what a price to pay!!!!!

Fletcher reckons its good ‘Married at first site Australia’ (Mums program) has finished at last so he doesn’t need to be bundled into bed early 4 nights a week any more?!!Jeeesh!

In a complete fishing about face we now feed the eels by hand at the local stream and chase snappers in the sparkling Waitemata off the many wharves dotted around the City (cool).

Something funny about fishing is ,like life, and chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get or who you will end up fishing next to in our diversely populated City(also cool).

The rest of NZ has Rugby teams that deserve respect but Auckland has the Blues (actually)!

Easter chocolate and hot x buns bliss to the lips but straight on to the hips!!(Hello Gym)

Farewell Summer and daylight saving, it was over too soon, nice knowing you!

I hope you had a relaxing Easter break with friends and family……Cheers Jonesey


Kate and Lily reckon the tide has turned as girls now outnumber the boys at 48!





“We are all born ignorant but one must work hard to remain stupid.” Ben  Franklin


Working remotely is one of the best things about todays rapidly changing work environment.

It is particularly useful and smart in places like Auckland where it is not unheard of to spend 3 hours a day(sometimes more) in traffic battling too and from the office.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to work out how many wasted hours that equates to!

Progressive Managers recognise the need to work smarter and are quick to fully support it.

Micro Managers have to accept the need to change their thinking or be left miles behind!

Creating a work environment (office) at home is a good idea if space and family allows.

Hot spotting off mobile phones allows ‘pop up’ offices anywhere and everywhere but…..

You do need to ensure the ‘pop up’ work environment is conducive to quality output.

I have several favourite ‘pop up’ spots as well as a home base if and when needed.

My absolute bestie is my local Mitre 10 garden centre café (Columbus).

I sit there surrounded by plants, trees, water features, sculptures, pots and I love it.

There is a raised plastic roof that makes the rain sound cosy, friendly and welcoming.

I can come and go as I please,I am a regular and on first name basis with the team J.

It is a relaxing environment conducive to both emails and phone calls, it’s a winner!

I have several cafes and business centres where I am also on a first name basis with staff that brings its own rewards like free coffees and other perks!

There is a clear message here…happy employee=quality workload and high performance.

Stressed employee from traffic and micro manager = less work and low performance.

I know which one I would rather be….what about you?....time to work smarter team !!


“Stop spending time on things that aren’t beneficial to the bottom line.”

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