Sunday, February 18, 2018

Slippery as an Eel




                                                                                       Edition 415 Monday 19/02/18


Hi,friends are nice to have but friends with boats are extra special to have!Fletcher and I were lucky enough to get invited out this weekend on the Kaipara Harbour snapper fishing!

Fletcher is obsessed with fishing and couldn’t sleep in anticipation of such excitement and adventure on the high seas.We had an awesome day and the boys ably attended to by their bait/boat boy Fathers were able to land enough legal snappers for a hearty fish dinner!!

Fletcher reckons the worst day out fishing is better then the best day at school(and work)!

Something funny about fishing is my sons passion for hooking eels in our local stream.The last few weekends have seen us relentlessly pursuing these slippery slimey characters with a range of delicious spicy/salty treats (from left over bbq snarlers to bacon to good old fashion never fail worms)! So far 14 eels landed and released to live another day.

Crikey I could think of better (cleaner less smelly) things to do however nothing as exciting or fufilling as this cheap honest turbo charged Father and Son fun and entertainment.

I hope you get a kick out of making your own fun things to do too……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons it’s the simple stuff that creates the lasting memories!





“Good,better,best.Never let it rest.Til your good is better and your better is best.”


How are you settling in to your routines for the year?

It is not uncommon to take a while to get back into the swing of things.

It is important to be in the groove and starting to put on the power sooner rather than later.

I find there are things that assist me to have balance and to be in the best possible shape.

I am talking best shape both mentally and physically.

With the risk of banging on J let me share two hot tips that help me and might help you!


Hot tip #1

Self care….are you making time to exercise daily?We all need to commit to at least 30 mins of increased heart rate.This can simply take the form of a walk, a swim, a cycle,the gym or whatever you like but dedicated to caring for you (self care). Making this a daily habit will better prepare you for the pressure of life and demands for personal and work performance!


Hot tip #2

Self help…….what are you doing to be better? Are you reading a book?, are you attending a course or club?, are you helping/mentoring someone else get to where they need to be?,do you have a mentor?,are you learning more about your company and products or services?, are you analysing where you are at?,are you looking for another job?,are you seeking promotion?Making one or many of these behaviours a habit will also better prepare you to succeed at work and personally.


These two things above all else assist me to face the challenges associated with making the most of the many opportunities I uncover every week.

I am not saying they will solve all your problems but they will better prepare you for whatever comes your way

Leaving that to chance is not an optiion


“You’re only one workout away from a good mood.”

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