Edition 384 Monday 19/06/17
Hi,I sometimes refer to being as “busy as a one armed
paperhanger” however must apologise to any one armed paperhangers there may be
out there.I could never be as busy as you would be after trying with limited
success to hang some wall paper this weekend with two hands!Apart from using
glue past its used by date and having no clue really I made an honest attempt
which my wife (bless her heart )seemed mildly happy withJ.Apologies due also to my Dad who was a
wall papering legend in his time but clearly the acorn landed too far away from
the the tree in my case!
reckons he is happy with internal Soccer Club chocolate sales to date
(although yet to see the cash).Dad says “see Mum” and Mum says “see Dad”…so who
is paying?He is also concerned that all the good flavours are disappearing and
he will be left with berry and fruit and nut to quit externally to Nana, Poppa
and extended family…hey kid welcome to the business world! Cash flow and
marketing are king!
funny about Blue Bottle Jellyfish is they don’t take kindly to
being stood on as I found out yet again to my extreme discomfort last
week.Swelling is subsiding although the rash is still ragingly angry and itchy
but the ointment is helping.I am pleased to say the affected area is contained
to my ankle although I touched my face after clearing the poisonous tentacles
and paid the price……lucky I didn’t have to visit the toilet at the time!!!
Crikey that’s enough of the ‘too much info’ stuff I hope you
are enjoying the ruggers and the sailing like we are and that you are primed
for another huge week ahead….Cheers Jonesey.
Kate Henderson reckons we will win the sailing and the ruggers…just
is no accident.It is hard work,perserverance,learning,studying,sacrifice and
most of all love of what you are doing or learning to do”. Pele
have always believed there is a lot of similarities between the sporting and
business world.
performers in both are the ones who prepare the best mentally and physically.
might be scratching your head a bit about this however if you stop for a
will agree that physical fitness is important to everyone in order to perform.
old rugby coach of mine used to say ‘fit in body fit in mind’ and he was right
I reckon.
is also critical to success in both fields. Sports people prepare themselves
physically and then spend more time than ever these days on their mental
business people we are no different…we need to be fit and focused on our
wanting to rave on I think I am a pretty good example of a ‘business athlete’.
commit at least one hour a day to preparing physically and I try to commit at
least the same to preparing myself for the day and week ahead in business.
of the things I do to assist me are to ensure I have a daily/weekly plan,a
clean car, clean shoes and favourite shirts.I feel good about these things
which primes me for success.
plan my day via my outlook calendar to ensure I make the best and most
profitable use of my time all day/every day.
find this creates the best opportunity for me to have ‘in the zone’ experiences
and days!
are the days when physical and mental preparation combine to produce sales
a bit like dropping on to a good fishing spot, everything seems to come
is then and only then that you know you have developed your own formula for success.
is ever achieved without lots of hard work…ask any athlete or business person!!
“Before anything else
preparation is the key to success”. Alexander Graham Bell
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