Edition 294 Monday August 10th 2015
say “a week is a long time” and “time heals everything”and it tends to be right
although some things can and do take a little longer to mend! In Fletchers case
the gaping hole in his chin has knitted back together nicely and whilst he has
enjoyed the attention from the chicks at daycare he is looking forward to
having his stitches removed today. In the All Blacks case I am hopeful a ‘week’
is all the ‘time’ they need to reverse their shocker in Sydney!!Although the
conspiracy theorists amongst us diehard fans wouldn tell you that may well be a
master stroke of genius to lull all the pretenders to the AB throne into a false
sense of security prior to the commencement of RWC 2015!?(yeah right
Jonesey….they were awful and made an average Aussie side look good).hmmmm
Fletcher says; party time at 48 to
celebrate the clicking over of the big 3
was cool although as Mum and Dad keep reminding him he is 3 not
‘free’!!Whilst freedom is the end game,as we all know it comes with a price
tag……..good behaviour!!.......Hmmmmm why do I have the feeling the almost non
existent ‘terrible twos’ have morphed craftily cloaked into the ‘tantrum
threes’..watch this space.
pushed back and complained about some stuff last week that I ordinarily would
have ignored.It made me feel aware,confident and strong rather than grumpy and
angry!...power to the Joneses!!!
choice this week as always should you choose to accept is to do the same!!...Go
a good one and make time for you,family,and friends……………….Cheers Jonesey!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon Fletcher is looking pretty Scooby
Doo for 21 dog years!!!
How prepared are you for the ‘curve balls’ that you encounter
How can you be more prepared for the things that come your way out of
‘left field’?
Interestingly I believe I am on to one of the answers to these questions
and its not rocket science!
Gather round while I tell you a story about…….remember getting excited
to hear that when you were a
kid?.......I loved listening to stories or having them read to me.
I am grateful this excitement gave me the motivation to learn to read
well so I could discover and seek the bountiful
treasure of knowledge,so what happened,why do we lose interest in
You see like many answers to lifes conundrums this one was sitting right
in front of me….the way to prepare for things outside the square is to read
more….but first you need to allow the time!
More about history, the world, your industry, auto bios,romance,adventure,.sci-fi.….whatever!!!
Just like travel,reading opens our eyes to the big wide world outside
our own and it prepares us to be better more rounded,intelligent,articulate people….well
thats my bright theory and Im sticking to it!!
I am trying to discipline myself to read regularly so I can be better at
handling the impromtu stuff!
I am finding that I the information gleaned from the books and
online articles I read in conversation
and presentations on a daily basis.
It provides a ‘refresh’ of my memory bank info base and a welcome
addition to vocab and intel!
The key I believe is the personal discipline part of making reading and
information treasure hunting a regular rather than an occasional habit.
The love and the passion for this habit is instilled in us all from a
young age however like a lot of things we love to do, we sacrifice them because
of the demon ‘time’.
My challenge to you this week is to read something rather than work or
social media emails that you have been meaning to for some time….or go looking
for something interesting to read or learn.
You will be energised and liberated by the freedom and power of the
knowledge!...Go On!!
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