Sunday, July 5, 2015

Auckland STAR !!!!

                                                                                       Edition 289 Monday July 6th 2015








Hi,on the back of my challenge to you last week to do something spontaneous and randomly kind for someone else we came home to discover a container full of kindling and pinecones! We can only assume it was one of our ‘Upbeat’ readers taking up the challenge.Thankyou whoever you are for your kind thoughts and generosity,it was just as big a thrill to be on the receiving end this time!

Fletcher says; he has never seen such big pinecones it seemed a shame to burn them so he built a ‘sky tower’ out of them instead!Budding Conservationist or Engineer or normal almost three year old!

I managed to get my ears sorted and like my knees it was quite simple.Once I could hear I decided to heed the advice of others this time and have a couple of weeks away from the pool!

Yes it is doing my head in however as a highly tuned athlete I have decided it is for the best!I have also heard I will have to acquire a blow dryer to dry my ears after each swim in future.This could be difficult to explain away to the boys at the pool??Hair dryers not normal blokes gym bag kit!!

I went to a funeral last week and couldn’t help reflecting on my own life as you do.I even thought about what my own funeral would be like,is that wrong?...crikey I wasn’t hanging round to find out!!

So…after promising ourselves some timeout for far too long we finally got round to using Mum and Dads Christmas voucher at a local winery estate!Fletcher had a blast with his babysitter and we savoured the time to just be together as a couple without child!We have promised each other to date more often!!One of my favourite moments was opening the car door for my wife like the old days!

What about the footy final!! Crikey it was a cracker!!….go the Landers!!!Be sure to keep an eye or ear out for the All Blacks versus Samoa live from sunny Apia Wednesday 2pm!!

I hope you are having a good time being ‘Upbeat’,keep up the good work…….Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon being overlooked as Fletchers babysitters was ruff!



Some ex paper delivery boys include,Walt Disney,Bob Hope,Bing Crosby,John Wayne!


In the last week I have heard on three separate occasions how important people I have been talking to considered having a paper run was as a kid!

It was an interesting coincidence and one I could totally relate to having been both an ‘Auckland Star’ and a ‘Royal New Zealand Herald’ delivery boy. At one stage I did both at once and like my colleagues believe it was the best possible start one could want to a working career.

For me it an early introduction to the disciplines and responsibilities required as an employee in the real world.As a paper boy or girl you needed to be on time and accurate or you would be responsible for letting your employer and customers down.

For me it was much more than that,I got to read the news before anyone else ,I was so up to date with current affairs it was unbelieveable.I also met a lot of local people and earned extra money doing other jobs around the neigbourhood that came as a result of being a reliable and ‘Upbeat’ paper boy.I did extra paper runs when kids were away and was able to associate that the harder I was prepared to work the more I could earn!I was also promoted for the first time in my work career and learned that whilst hard work earns more money it also earns promotion and recognition.I remember this being a good feeling and one I decided I wanted to pursue more of in my work career.

So it was with fondness that interest that I recounted with others this week past experiences as  paper boys and the positive effect we felt that had on our work ethics and careers.Its not a bad thing to be reminded of your ‘grass roots’ as an employee or employer!It is easy to lose sight of the basic principles that make us the person we are.Reflecting on these from time to time is useful and enlightening…I recommend it!!


And some more…Dr Norman Vincent Peale,Harry S Truman,Dwight Eisenhower,

Ed Sullivan, Dr Martin Luther King, Herbert Hoover.

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