Monday, April 27, 2015

Family Ties !!




                                                                                       Edition 279 Tuesday April 28th 2015








Hi,we celebrated the Anzac Day centenary in style by taking an extra long weekend to spend time relaxing as a family.A poignant time for reflection and celebration to show appreciation for those who sacrificed life and limb to protect our rights to the freedom we enjoy today!

The futility of the great wars certainly puts a new perspective on “a bad day at the office”.At least after the modern day equivalent we get to come home to our families unlike many of our forefathers.

Today we trust business leaders and politicians to keep our economic cutter on an even keel however our troops didn’t have a choice as they followed orders of some who should have known better!!

Our typing and texting communique delivered instantly in the electronic world we live in are no match for the eloquence and passion ink penned and surface mailed arriving some months later.

Yes Ladies and gentlemen we have a lot to be thankful for so stop ‘sweating the small stuff” because it is all small stuff when you consider what others endured on our behalf all those years ago!!

Fletcher says; if you have a dent in anything its ok because you can take it to the ‘Dentist’ and he (or she) will fix it !!

Speaking of family times we had a cool time catching up with our immediate and extended family during the break including my intrepid adventurous Auntie from Melbourne.We managed to spend a quick evening with her before she blasted off in her campervan for a whirlwind tour of the North Island.She may come across our son Mark who fresh from the ‘Streetwise’ episodes ‘walking the railway’ and ‘saving John Campbell’ is hitch hiking the Coromandel before coming to you live from ‘J Day’ May 2nd!! Throw in a volunteer fire brigade call to arms and it was certainly the weekend that had it all for the Joneses!!

I hope you also had a reflective/appreciative time with family and friends………..Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon they don’t ‘sweat any stuff’…cos life is Scooby Doo!!!




“Giants are not what we think they are. The same qualities that appear to give them strength are often the sources of great weakness.” Malcolm Gladwell (David and Goliath)


In an unbelievable move recently our major competitor who is also the biggest company in our industry sector in New Zealand decided to turn their guns in our direction?

This is a company that is twenty times our size who control over fifty percent of the market !

Rather than concentrating on identifying reasons within their own camp for the recent drop and loss of business they have obviously decided to take out their frustrations on the smallest new gorilla!!

We have enjoyed our time flying under the radar but have now emerged fairly and squarely in the headlights of the big guys!

Rather than playing the stunned possum in those headlights we have seized the offensive/initiative by commissioning a unique new resource recovery facility and hiring more sales foot soldiers.

In true Anzac spirit we will not be intimidated by this latest move. Instead we will focus on our unique points of difference to ram home our advantage in the market.

By focusing on what we can do to be better internally we will be a more potent force externally while our competitors continue to implode with reactive incompetence and envy.

There is no point worrying about the competition and their knee jerk reactions.We will continue to show a healthy respect for what they have achieved, but stay focused on being the best we can be!

Having worked for larger market leaders I know the hardest thing is not getting to #1 it is staying there! The biggest threat is internal arrogance and complacency,something we all need to watch!!


“Goliath was the best thing that ever happened to David.” Carla Lynn Hall

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