Sunday, February 1, 2015

The F word !!!




                                                                                       Edition 267 Monday February 2nd 2015








Hi,crikey it aint half hot Mum!I was a reluctant de-humidifier convert but pretty happy cool camper  now!.Hey heres another cool idea,keep a couple of glasses in the freezer for drinks.It adds that chilled edge to any beverage and all the more thirst quenching, you heard it here first! While I am on a roll how about a waterproof pad and pen for recording all those ideas in the shower?And Christines favourite a self toothpasting toothbrush?Lets face it everything invented in the world successful or otherwise had to start from a simple basic idea(in the shower perhaps?).How many of us have seen something new on the shelf and thought,’I thought of that once’ or maybe ‘I wish I thought of that’I encourage you all to let your mind run riot regularly who knows what will happen or come of it?

Fletcher reckons;he has come up with a revolutionary new way of staying clean and germ free.He gets Harry and the Hendersons to lick him daily(without any prompting).Their saliva contains a cleansing healing component that he reckons will keep him well…..smarter than the average bear!

I had a panic attack recently when I was half way to work and discovered I had left my cell phone at home!Crikey I felt naked,exposed,and cut off from the world without it.It was a weird feeling and made me realise how much we rely on our phones day to day.It is my watch,my newspaper,my email, my text,my calendar,my diary,as well as being my phone.It was scary to think I needed it so badly and felt I couldn’t do without it. I did an about turn and went home to get it.A one hour false start but sanity and access to the world returned once back in my hot little hand.Sad but true!

I hope you all had a great weekend with family and friends and that you make the most of the upcoming short week and the Waitangi long weekend. Have a good one,………..Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon they should be charging for their secret cleansing brew!




Should it be a sin to have fun at work? I say NO WAY and appeal to all those who believe the answer to this question is YES to reassess and modify your view.

I was exposed to a number of instances recently where I observed people who were attempting to have fun in their work place stopped by those who felt it wasn’t the time or place.

Is fun or open enjoyment at work time wasting and distracting? Again in my view NO WAY in fact it has been proven in a number of work place surveys that happy workers =happy company=happy customers.Surely this also means that the more happy and fulfilled staff are the more successful the company is?What ever happened to the timeless adage “Our people are our most valuable asset?”

Another of my favourites is;”If you love your job you will never have to work a day in your life”.What say you hate your job? then obviously the opposite applies but other things also happen.You tend to try to keep your head down and do enough to stay out of trouble without going to any extra lengths to get things done.You get a mediocre,below standard performance from staff who are too scared to have fun or step out of line. Companies with this work environment have a high staff turnover and don’t move ahead because their people are not encouraged to contribute openly to the growth and development of the business.The management and leadership of these businesses is lacking and tends to focus on looking for things going wrong rather than recognising and rewarding people for their ideas and the things they are doing right and consistently,refreshingly well.

Dare I say it ,having fun is a big part of allowing people to express themselves and a suppression of that natural desire is not condusive to getting the best from that person as an individual or collectively as part of a team.My message to you is to make sure you have fun at work and if you feel you cant then maybe it is time to think seriously about finding somewhere you can!!! Good luck!


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