Sunday, September 7, 2014





Edition 250 Monday September 8th 2014








Hi,as someone who generally leaves things to the last minute and subsequently stresses to meet deadlines I cant believe I have religiously cranked out ‘Upbeat’ 250 times today !!! YAY !!!! Add to this the previous 99 editions of ‘Upbeat’ in its earlier form as the “Triple M’ (Monday Morning Motivator) and we are seriously threatening Dickens and Tolken in the novel stakes !!!

As you know from being told on numerous occasions ‘Upbeat’ is all about getting me going on a Monday! By personally accepting responsibility and disciplining myself to perform and deliver I ensure I start every week motivated to succeed. You are one of hundreds who receive ‘Upbeat’ and I sincerely hope it has the same positive effect on you….thanks again for your support and feedback!

Fletcher says; well done Dad, good effort now seeing as you are feeling so ‘Upbeat’ how about raising my allowance! We had fun on Fathers Day down the beach chatting with an exhausted Fur Seal as we stood guard until the local Ranger was able to assist (see attached photo).

Crikey early September is full on with my birthday, Fathers Day and Mums birthday all in the same week. The birthday and the Fathers Day prezzie tend to get blurred and blended but hey it’s the thought that counts, yeah right !

I followed my own advice and took a day off work on my birthday. Christine and I had a cool day together relaxing. I enjoyed dropping and picking up Fletcher from daycare in a complete and fun break from routine for me. I super recommend taking time out to celebrate special times with family.

I also feel lucky and appreciate greatly these opportunities to celebrate occasions in person with my Mum and Dad who are still going strong into their 80’s, long may that continue.

I hope you all had a great weekend with family and friends, have a cool week ahead, Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon roast Fur Seal would have been nice for Fathers Day tea!




The week started on a disasterous note for me with the news that I had been unsuccessful on my bid to win a major new project I had been confident of nailing !

Crikey that had the potential to derail the main engine and most of the carriages as I was tempted to pack a sad and pull a hammy for the rest of the week.

But not this ‘Upbeat’ Jones boy so after sulking and blaming myself for an hour or too I got some great news that hit this loss out of the park for an instant home run……..

We were thrilled to hear that Christine had been voted on the local Volunteer Fire Brigade island officially and also formally recognised by the New Zealand Fire Service as an official fire fighter complete with a registered number 992813.

It certainly put my disppointment on missing out on a work project into perspective and gave me the required motivation to pick my sorry salesmans butt up off the floor to focus on the next challenge!

From that point on I had a great week securing two major new sales,achieving some significant additional business from existing customers and using some personal initiative to finally recruit a new member to our sales team.

We all experience set backs but it is important not to dwell on them or let them influence our performance. There will always be positives we can focus on instead to get us back on the horse!!


‘When a person becomes a firefighter their greatest act of bravery has been accomplished.  What they do after that is all in the line of work.’ Edward F Croker

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