Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lucky escape !!




Edition 253 Monday September 29th 2014








Hi,when you stare danger in tha face like I do daily it is easy to get complacent, possibly arrogant!. It is those times that can be the most dangerous! Last week I was the victim of one such moment whilst running on the beach early one morning in the dark. I can recall standing on something a bit spongey and thinking no more of it until I developed a burning sensation in my calf muscle. To my consternation I discovered the spongey thing was a man stinging ‘blue bottle’ jellyfish who obviously took a dislike to being jumped on in his or her sleep! I have survived one such attack previously and know that the sting is toxic and needs to be treated with care.So like a numb nuts I scraped the sting off my leg with my hand and proceeded to touch my face before washing….. Drrrrrrr.

Post attack I know day one, affected areas sting like crazy,day two, itches like crazy and day three,goes feral, then in typical ‘she’ll be right’ bloke fashion day four,victim seeks treatment!!!

I am pleased to report after some anti-inflams and antibiotics the prognisis is good and I should pull through…just !

Fletcher says; It is cool learning to tell the time and daylight saving is radical man!! So you try explaining to a two year old why he has to go to bed at the same time but earlier?????

In a fascinating sequel to the ‘tired seal on the rock’ story a couple of editions ago our Park Ranger traced the ID tag to a mother seal tagged in the Haast area off the West Coast of the South Island (roughly opposite Christchurch). Wow talk about a long way to swim for a coffee, no wonder she was tired and needed a rest. In a happy end to the story our Ranger refloated her and she was last seen  playing with the locals off Oaia Island Muriwai now a happy mainland girl.

I hope your weekend had positive outcomes too for you, family and friends.…………Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon daylight saving = no excuse not to walk after work pal!!



The less routine the more life.Amos Bronson Allcott


There is nothing like a new routine to make you grumpy and ‘out of sorts’ either that or it was the bad karma jelly fish toxin invading my system that was to blame? Whatever it was I sure was grumpy last week….ask anyone who had the unfortunate experience to have to interact with me.

I am told us Virgo’s like things settled and routine and any change to the program throws us a little!

Well it happened big time last week as I battled coming to grips with our new schedule since Christine has started work again!

Time management, planning, and organisation are the traits  a  person must continually improve if they are to be successful  however they are skills I have firmly in the ‘must be better’ category.

Hence the wheels coming off last week as I faced the consequence of having to organiise myself better in order to do my bit for the team….and all this after being attacked by a jellyfish!!

What it did highlight to me is the importance of prioritising the tasks in order of ‘best use of time’ rather than bouncing menacingly from one to the other.

Have you ever noticed when things are not organised and planned then other things tend to impact you negatively and add to your woes……like the major traffic snarl ups I got caught in last week !

For me this snowballed for me in particular and negatively affected my attitude to others. So I was the ultimate moody petulant child last week. I spent a good part of my day apologising for my behaviour in the other parts of it !! Crikey what a spoiled little mid fifty something year old brat!

Not an ‘Upbeat’ example to set but we do all have rough times and it will only get ‘better’ from here!


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