Sunday, July 13, 2014

Pig in muck!!!




Edition 242 Monday July 14th 2014








Hi,wow what a crazy weather week on the wild west coast. Whilst we were mostly sheltered from the easterlies blasting overhead and offshore we were still without power for a big part of the week. Underground and power are two words that are yet to find each other out our way so you tend to expect it and hunker down when there is a storm! Still hard to get used to not turning switches on when you walk into rooms or try to use electrical stuff! I can pretty much cope personally except for the cold showers which I am a big sook about brrrrrrrrr.Makes you thankful for power and extra quick in the bathroom!

I stumbled on a veritable goldmine last week when I coincidentally arrived at the opening day of the new City Council recycle shop at their transfer rubbish station in Henderson! I was like a pig in the proverbial and ended up putting a ‘first option hold’ on three amazing items that had been recovered from the waste stream (just trying to pick the right time to purchase and sneak into home!!shhhhh)…I still find it incredible to believe that people throw away what they do proving indeed that one persons waste is definitely another persons treasure….Yay (watch for the pics!)

From the Fletcher file; bit crook at the moment and had to flag regular weekly program items like swimming and beach combing….resting his body temporarily like Dad and hoping to be back soon!!

As you know I like my coffee and good service so I am happy to tell you how impressed I am with the way I get looked after at Columbus coffee outlets.Nothing is a problem and apart from complimentary wifi every sixth coffee is free,life ‘on the road’ in Auckland doesn’t get any better, proving “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful”(my Mae West quote on my Columbus coffee cup this morning J)

I hope you are still in one piece after the storms last week and having fun with friends and family. Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon having a dog(or three) is the only opportunity a human ever has to choose their relatives!! J




“Better to fight for something than live for nothing.”George S. Patton Jr.


Imagine if you worked for a company with the following ideals;

01 Customer focus (listen and build)

02 People Development (learn and grow)

03 Continual Improvement (be better)

04 Hard work and positive attitude (Have a go)

05 Lead by example and take responsibility ( don’t blame others)

06 Teamwork and respect for others (work together)

07 Extrepreneurial Spirit (initiative, innovate, create)

08 Keep it simple (use common sense)

09 Honesty and Integrity (make your word your bond)

10 Be humble (recognise and praise others)


I met a company that does…Reece Plumbing and their employees are happy they do.

This list encapsulates most others I have seen and rolls them into one impressive ten point plan.

They are a pleasure to deal with and were only too happy to share this information with me. Impressive ideals indeed however clearly a company setting their sights high and one we would do well to emulate……..worth thinking about and having a crack at some if not all on the list.


“Ideals make reason inaccessible.”Floriano Martins

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