208 Monday October 21st 2013
Hi,wow what a week it
has been on the Jones roller coaster ride this week! A ghastly gastric bug
stopped Christine in her tracks on Tuesday so I dutifully assumed the role of
activities director with Fletcher for the day. Christine was appreciative of
the rest and I returned to work Wednesday for a rest after an unbelievably fun
but very exhausting day in the zoo!!
Speaking of Wednesday I ran through a bunch of blue bottle
jelly fish in the early darkness on the beach. I didn’t realise I had done this
until I felt a stinging sensation on my lower leg later in the shower. The
affected area then swelled and broke into an angry rash which degenerated into
an open broken skin wound…..as if that wasn’t bad enough I then experienced fever and nausea from the evil jelly fish
poison that had obviously entered my system….crikey !!! Then after battling the
Blue fever and to top off the week I
contracted the ghastly gastric bug from Christine on Friday for a weekend spent
in close proximity to one very important little room of the houseL.Harden up Jonesey!
Staying close to home proved to be a blessing in disguise as
we explored a couple of local spots with Fletcher which were cool fun. He is
fixated with birds at the moment so the local Gannet Colony was a special treat
combined with a visit to the local park rides and the wild west coast black
sand of the beach and he was made up ! Often the simple things closest to home
are the most enjoyable or rewarding…….love where we live Daddy !!!! J
I competed in a Toastmasters competition on Saturday and was
lucky enough to win the right to represent Auckland at the upcoming National
final in November,fiercely competitive and proud of it!
In my fragile state I was in bed before the All Blacks played
on Saturday night !!! so we managed to hang out till 10.30am Sunday to watch
the boys maintain their unbeaten run for the season….legend.
Yay , Labour Weekend approaches and we have leave booked
Friday to make it a four day bonanza.
I hope you had a great weekend with family and friends and
that you also have a relaxing long weekend planned to spend with those closest
and most important to you……Cheers Jonesey.
and the Hendersons reckon they, like our shoes, are comfortable. They might be a bit out
of shape and a little worn around the edges, but they fit well. Scooby Doo !!!
“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most
underrated agent of human change.” Bob Kerrey
I was parking in town last week and a guy came up to me and
gave me his parking ticket that still had almost an hour left to park on
it…..it was a small gesture that helped and meant a lot to me!It was a “Random
Act Of Kindness” (RAOK) that served as a timely reminder how powerful these
simple inexpensive gestures can be. The thing I like is how they benefit both
the giver and the receiver equally and the diffreence they can make to both.
RAOKs are spontaneous acts of generosity that don’t have to
be done and generally are not noticed if they don’t happen but have a huge
effect when they are performed. They can be as simple as opening a door for
somebody or even saying please and thankyou where most people let it slip past
these days…..simple little disciplines in our daily lives, again sadly missing
from most.
Last week inspired by this RAOK I was moved to provide my
services as a mentor and volunteer to present at two industry forums on behalf
of customers. None of this I was contracted or expected to do but all that I
was happy and motivated to do and as a result of doing !! Unselfish and
unsolicited yet unbelievably satisfying !!!
Your challenge this week is to become a RAOK performer,your
chance to shine……”Just do it” Cheers.
wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?”Jean
Jacques Rousseau
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