Sunday, June 30, 2013

Monkeying around




Edition 192 Monday July 1st 2013


Hi, I try to swim 1 km at the public pool close to work every day if I can. It is great exercise and it is a welcome break from the office or the field if it can be worked into the day. Sometimes the pool is busy and I have to share a lane with a local or like minded athlete! This can test the patience at times but it goes with the territory so best to live with it. Sometimes I get grumpy with slow traffic in my lane like the other day when a female gold card holder was wasting space in lane 2! I got annoyed and was just about to be rude when this delightful lady introduced herself to me. Her name was Cathy and she and her husband of 55 years are regulars. She told me she stays to the left in her lane in the pool (just like on the road in her car!) and she knows how to handle Gen Y would be triathletes like me, with charm and class. She tells me she is affectionately known at the pool by all staff and regulars as “Cathy lane 2” for obvious reasons so get used to it fit and faster guy.

Moral;don’t be grumpy or too quick to judge a book by its cover,thankfully the world is full of Cathys.

We are all walking around like zombies with sleep deprivation at the moment as Fletcher continues to battle bronchialitis combined cruelly with the arrival of more teeth L. Thank goodness for panadol, red wine, crock pot comfort food, the log burner and the ruggers on telly and his bullet proof Mum!!

I hope you are all looking after yourselves, relaxing, and spending time with family and friends when you can.

Have an eventful and happy week ahead  ………Cheers Jonesey!!!!!


Harry and the Hendersons, Dogs 101; We bark, its what we do,OK?, so get over yourself!!




We have been talking to a prospective customer for a long time trying to secure their business. As a result of this there is nothing they don’t know about our business and vice versa.

Unbelieveably last week we were invited to do yet another presentation to their procurement committee. Apparently our competitors had insisted on this and been invited to do the same.

Well,I was over it and decided it was time to show them something they hadn’t seen, rather than have them keep guessing, yes ,it was time to remove all doubt!!

Time to be a bit goofy, certainly different and leftfield but also something that would make us stand out from the rest !!!

Yes folks,time to dress up as a Gorilla and present our team like never before.

I hired a Gorilla suit, stocked up on bananas and drove across town in the Gorilla car much to the amusement of my fellow motorists and pedestrians who noticed…it was hilarious fun.

Picture a boardroom full of dryish analytical accountant/procurement types waiting to grill us and dissect yet another meaningless power point presentation and then…. in bounds a man in a Gorilla suit handing out bananas to all present before presenting our bold new start up environmental solutions company who is now playing hard ball in the big kids sandpit!

I think we struck a chord by presenting a unique approach consistent with some exciting new info further demonstrating our commitment to recycling, sustainablility and innovation.

Will it be good enough to win the business?, who knows,only time will tell but one thing is for sure, it was certainly different!!.....see attached photos. Why not have some fun doing something similar!!


Lee Ann Womack

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Could do better"


Hi, we attended a family mid winter Christmas party which included turkey ,ham on the bone, special festive deserts,lots of Christmas decorations and even guests in costumes complete with party hats and flashing lights! It was indeed a festive occasion which was cool but I couldn’t help be reminded 1) How fast half the year had disappeared, and 2)How little time there was left till the real Christmas!!....and yes the shortest day (official half way mark) was last week so downhill from here?

It is a time to reflect quickly on where the first half went, how you are tracking toward the goals you set yourself for 2013 and post evaluation what adjustments if any you need to make to ramp it up or get back on track J.

My all enveloping simple goal for 2013 was to ‘be better’ at everything. On reflection I have tried to remember to apply this during the year to date however there have been too many times where I havent and I have susequently been average or worse than normal. Definitely not good enough but after an honest self analysis I managed to give myself a reasonably satisfactory 6/10 in the ‘being better ‘ stakes. Like too many of my school reports the verdict “could do better” rings true.

With this in mind I have decided to take some time out to read more and try to get home from work a bit earlier to spend more time with Fletcher before he goes to bed. I am happy to report I have made a positive start and look forward to adding more self improvement ideas each week. If I can achieve that it will be 26 new and ‘better’ things I will do before end of year Christmas!

Talking about books I picked up Bill Cosby’s book entitled ‘Fatherhood’ and couldn’t put it down it is such a funny read. I am so enthralled I have shared a segment in the sizzle section below for your amusement. Speaking of Fatherhood, I am so proud to tell you that Fletcher has bypassed the crawling stage and is full on walking around the house now. Ok, there is the odd wobble, crash and cry but we are more or less walking…..well at least that is what I have told anyone who will listen !

I didn’t want to be a  parent who does nothing but rave on about their kids achievments but Crikey!!!

I hope you all had a cool weekend doing the same or impressing your family and friends with your brilliance!! Have an awesome and safe week ahead………Cheers Jonesey!!!!!


Harry and the Hendersons are the best welcome home after a tough day,unconditional love


“Whats in a name?” Bill Cosby

“Always end the name of your child with a vowel,so that when you yell the name will carry. A nervous Mother needs an ‘o’ or an ‘I’ or an ‘e’ because they last long enough to get their kid home for his beating.

“My own Father violated this rule by giving me a name that ended in ‘t’ but you have to admit this name was an exception. He called me “Jesus Christ” . Often he turned and said to me “Jesus Christ”.

My brother also had a name that ended in a consonant: “Lookdammit”. Addressing the two of us, my Father would say, “Lookdammit,stop jumping on the furniture ! Jesus Christ , cant you ever be still?”

My Father however did sometimes get me and my brother mixed up. One day when I was out playing in the rain, he came to the door and said “Lookdammit.”………..And I replied, “Dad Im Jesus Christ.”

In spite of these names for my brother and me my father did try hard not to curse, an effort that sometimes rendered him semi articulate. Having to squelch the profanities that he dearly wanted to lavish on me reduced him to saying such things as , “If you ever…..because youre a….and Ill be…..because its just too…….and Ill swear Ill…..” For many years , in fact I though my father was a man unable to complete a sentence. I made him swallow curses like after dinner mints.”


Reading is cool, especially when you find a book like that makes you smile a lot…..try it !!!!


Sunday, June 16, 2013





Edition 190 Monday June 17th 2013


Hi, adrenaline pumping excitement, competing for the best spots and the best stuff, pushing,shoving, jockeying, knowing where and when, seizing the opportunities then and there, no place for the weak or the procrastinators.…….yes folks the bi annual inorganic waste collection is back in Onehunga and local residents are not disappointing with the selection they are placing on the kerb! Trash to treasure and exciting times for those like me who lick their lips in anticipation of such times….such fun !! I am only sorry I wasn’t able to devote more time to this last week! I was also gutted I was unable to fit a classic old wooden ladder in my car, I had big plans for that ladder! I guess I was always destined to work in the waste and recycling industry having been a  keen ‘step toe’ apprentice in my younger days! Dad being the perfect role model/mentor with a big shed full of treasure he had collected over many years all ready and waiting for the day it would ‘come in handy’!

As you know I drive a marked car and as a result my driving has attracted more than a few comments from those who have felt the need to comment unfavourably. I am pleased to say there have not been any comments for a while because this has actually improved my attitude and my driving habits!! This is the very reason that I shared the love with another marked car driver recently. I was annoyed at being tailgated so changed lanes but in doing so noticed others in front of me suffered a similar fate… I noted the details of the company and called them to comment. I am hopeful the driver will benefit as I have from the feedback J .Even though my driving has improved I did still manage to write off my car recently  hmmmm, fresh start,new car, new habits!

We have been hunkered down in front of the fire this weekend as Fletcher battles his first case of man flu. I hope you all had a relaxing weekend spending time with family and friends.

Have a great week ahead………Cheers Jonesey!!!!!


Harry and the Hendersons took full credit for the record golf ball haul from two dog walks this weekend. Negotiations are progressing on the revenue split from 2nd hand ball sales!


W Clement Stone

When is enough enough??? We all have our breaking point when we have to make that call!!

I was referred to a consultant anonomously by a friend (loose definition). We met once and agreed there was probably something he could do to assist me with some personal matters including trusts and insurance.

This guy was a reasonable rooster and we got on well enough although I made it clear that whilst there was some things I needed to get sorted,they were not my immediate priority nor things I needed to have urgently attended to …..well I thought I made that clear…apparently not it seems.

I have been regularly bombarded with texts and emails for a follow up meeting to the point where I have tried to set a second appointment but for one reason or another not yet been able to make it.

Still the emails and the texts keep coming to a point where I had to call “enough is enough” and line this guy up to say “back off buddy!!!”......sometimes you have to do that right??!!

It is important we all realise that people we interact with all have a point we cant push them past.

No matter what line of work we are in or in our dealings with people privately none of us know the pressure people we talk to daily are under. It is important therefore to remain empathetic, professional and objective at all times rather than being too pushy. I admit it is a thin line between being too pushy and not enough but that is where we need to read the signs and back off if required.

The lesson for me here was timely as I seek to close a couple of deals,don’t get too excited and always look for the signs that you may be pushing too hard.Don’t blow the adrenaline rush,easy tiger!


Monday, June 10, 2013

sales surfing !!




Edition 189 Monday June 10th 2013


Hi, no matter how hard you try to brace yourself for bad news it always knocks you around. Sometimes you get advanced warning sometimes it comes out of leftfield, both suck although I guess as they say “ as long as neither kill you they will always definitely make you stronger!!”

On this occasion we received some advanced warning when there was no heartbeat at our first baby scan recently. We were hopeful that it was just a case of being a week or two too early but the prognosis wasn’t good and a week later we were saddened to have our miscarriage confirmed L. This is one of lifes experiences or moments of truth and we accept that it certainly goes with the territory especially at our tender age!. Production and design are eager to have another crack however they recognise that the Project Manager has the final say and respect that it will be a week or two before a decision is made on project 2!!

On the happy positive side Christine will make a quick and full recovery, Project 1 continues to thrive clocking up 10 months on Sunday, Dad is alive and recovering strongly at home, yes as always we have a lot to be thankful for!

Following hard on the heels of Dads recent near death experience we have had a roller coaster ride in the last few weeks testing our inner strength and reinforcing our belief in family. I know I say it all the time but there can be nothing more important or central to our existence, embrace it always.

Be kind to family and friends and have a great week , Cheers Jonesey!!!!!


Harry and the Hendersons can do no wrong , ever, no matter how hard the grumpy man tries to frame them for wrong doing. Their message,if you cant beat us ,joing us old boy grrrr.


“One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.” Michael Korda


Good sales people are like good surfers, they feel the momentum and go with it.

I am not a good surfer but I am a good salesman and last week I caught a wave with huge momentum that I was able to use to carry me into and through the whole of last week.

You see I identified an initial opportunity to recycle some materials out of a large office building and the wave of materials to recycle grew from there to the point that we are looking at recycling nearly 90 % of the materials from 23 floors of an office tower and it doesn’t stop there…..theres more !!!

The 23 floors are then going to be refurbished and the company doing that work also want to recycle as much of their waste materials as possible !!! who do you call?,……us because they were referred by all the other contractors who are using us on the project.


But wait theres even more…..the organisation moving in to the new refurbished building needs a recycling and waste system for their new building and employees, guess who they are talking to….yep us !!!


Why did all this happen???, good luck?, fate?,prayer,good looks, good management, all or none of these?? it all happened because the momentum was gained with an initial cold call query and through a series of additional questions and heaps of initiative turned into a cascade of one off and permanent business opportunities that have been turned into profitable revenue. Want to know the best thing?.....not a competitor in sight because of the trust engendered by coming up with a different approach and innovative solutions. It didn’t seem that hard to do this once on a roll , I think the hardest thing to do is to think up a different solution, once you have that you are on the wave!

“Commitment is the ignitor of momentum.” Peg Wood

Monday, June 3, 2013

They called him Ernie!!




Edition 188 Tuesday June 4th 2013


Hi, thankyou for the feedback last week regarding my Father. I am pleased to be able to report that after staring death in the eye on several occasions he miraculously lived to tell the tale. He is getting stronger by the day and has even talked the hospital staff into letting him go home mid this week !

We are so grateful for the care and attention he has received and indebted to the staff of Auckland Hospital for their amazing skill and professionalism. We are lucky to live in New Zealand for sure!!

The North Shore Rugby Football Club foundered in 1873!! celebrated its 140th year in existence last weekend. We took Fletcher to his first live senior club footy game to witness the mighty green and whites win in the dying minutes against the old foe Takapuna in a fitting local derby clash. It was a return to the womb for me as an ex senior player and coach as we joined hundreds of past and present members, players and supporters to recount our favorite memories from the years past of the clubs proud history.The stories became more embellished and courageous as the night went on, it was great to catch up with so many people who had played such an important and large part in my life. As  is quite often the case I was reluctant to make the effort to attend but was yet again left thanking Christine for motivating me to get there, who knows when I might see a lot of those people again? Crikey talk about a West Coast hermit……need to get out more!!!:)

I hope you also made the effort to catch up with family and friends this Queens Birthday weekend, I am sure you will agree,like I did,that it is more than worth it.

Have a great week , Cheers Jonesey!!!!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon pole position in front of the log burner is their right!!!  



“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary”.Sam Walton, Founder of Wal-Mart


They called him Ernie and he drove the fastest milk cart in the west!!!

Remember that song about Ernie the milkman?, it was a classic, a bit like the “my old mans a dustman” …..well we also have an Ernie on the Green Gorilla team and he drives a rubbish truck !!

 I imagine Ernie the milkman was probably a character just like our Ernie and both people who are quite unique.

You see ‘our’ Ernie is 74 and as fit as fiddle , he is on the road most mornings at 2am picking up rubbish and recyclables and goes hard out till the job is done, normally by about 10am. He also owns a commercial cleaning business and breeds and rides quarter horses in his “spare” time !!!

Ernie lives and breathes his driving role for us and always goes the extra mile on behalf of our customers.

In a classic example last week Ernies truck broke down and was off the road while being repaired. Ernie got frustrated about the time the repair was taking so he used his personal car and towed his horse trailer around to our customers picking up their stuff so they didn’t experience any delays to their service!!! The effect this had on our customers was amazing, they couldn’t believe Ernie had done this off his own initiative. Our company was also appreciative for the commitment Ernie displayed to making sure we continued to service our customers. What a guy, he is a key point of differentiation between us and our competition and a major reason our customers pay extra for a quality service. Wow , I hope I am as committed and as energetic when I am in my mid seventies.


 Thanks Ernie you are a legend and an inspiration to us all. Every business needs a team of Ernies!!!


“A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.” Chinese Proverb