Edition 173 Monday February 11th 2013
Hi, Wow and I thought I was competitive,that was before I became a new parent again(six months ago Saturday!!!) Crikey we were over the moon to see Fletchers first teeth come through just before he clicked over the six month milestone. Well we were met with a barrage of parents telling us their kid got ten teeth at two months etc etc, then there were the ones whose kid didn’t have teeth still at nine months….jeepers it could do your head in if you let it!!! We decided early on in that we were not going to freak out or get unnecessarily stressed if our kid was ahead or behind others older, younger or the same age! Although I must say out of the kids in our neighbourhood our son is definitely the best looking, has the most teeth and is the hottest on his skateboard!!! Ok, he isnt quite on the skateboard yet but he did mutter the magic word the other day (Dada) so he is a winner!(see photo).
DIY update…….progressing well with a third coat required to cover but hey while your there right, what is one more coat !!!...almost the difference between life and death for this weary old painter!!
We had a cool weekend continuing to make the most of the amazing weather to catch up with family and friends. I hope you got the opportunity to do the same, lets face it there is nothing more important or precious in the world. Have a great week Cheers Jonesey.
Harry and the Hendersons reckon white walls will never work with a boy child about to crawl and walk and three dogs with a passion for creeks and the beach…watch this space !
Rarely do we find people who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our little private enterprise business continues to astound me as it grows like Topsy.
Whilst that is awesome and we are all over the moon it is also something that comes with more than its fair share of growing pains.
These are pains that threaten to affect the points of differentiation the business was foundered on the main one being prompt,quality,personalised service.
There is a fine line between saying yes to every service request and actually delivering on that requirement as promised every time.There is also a fine line between having enough staff to deliver on that promise or not enough people where the ones you do have are working overtime to keep up.
At present we are in the no mans land between , some days we keep up and other days we get blown out of the water and struggle to deliver on the promise. We are in a building mode and must take time to recruit the right people yet in the meantime have the existing staff step up and make sure we continue to deliver and grow as a result……a tricky balancing act.
The secret is to make sure the team continue to function as just that and make sure that everyone works hard but is recognised and valued for doing so.
The other key ingredient in amongst all the drama and pressure is to ensure we continue to have fun and feel pride in what we have created and continue to grow.
That is the challenge for us all no matter what business we work in and that is an important part of business, accepting that challenge and overcoming it but realising that change and growth are a constant and it is the businesses that cope with it the best that are the most likely to be around the longest and experience the most success……..your mission should you decide to accept it!
Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon. Winston Churchill
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