Edition 172 Monday February 4th 2013
Hi, “DIY its in our DNA” yeah right…not if this last weekend is anything to go by! I spent most of it on the other end of a long handle roller painting ceilings. Things were going well while I could see where I was going until the second coat when I had no idea. Add to this arms, neck and general body fatigue and the DIY dream was well and truly a nightmare. In true Jones fashion and on the back of all that training I did as a painter in the school holidays with Dad I got there in the end…not without some heartache……..dont quit your day job Jonesey because a professional painter you are not mate !
You guessed it the test colour on the test wall didn’t last a week so we are back to billy basic white ceilings and now white walls…..hmm something to look forward to attacking on Waitangi Day !!!
On things to look forward to we are counting down the days to the return of my son Mark from his latest overseas jaunt that has taken him to some exciting places in South America and the US over that last two years. He is back for a couple of months for his 30th birthday and his brothers wedding at Easter before heading off again for Europe on the next leg of his never ending OE, go for it mate!
Fletcher is looking forward to seeing another of his big brothers and we are looking forward to hosting three generations of the Jones clan at home in early March which will be so cool.
I cant wait to catch up with members of our family we havent seen for far too long, there is nothing more important to us so this will be the best time. I hope you feel the same way and have the opportunity to spend regular time with your friends and family too,have a good week Cheers Jonesey.
Harry and the Hendersons reckon DIY Jonesey sucks, harden up or hire someone they say!
“Opportunities come from knocking on doors until they open” Maxwell Smart
I know I could never be a professional commercial/house painter, why?, because it is not what I am passionate about or love doing. I know selling is what I love doing , that is my passion and whilst it is no bed of roses it is something that gives me more satisfaction than painting J.
Knocking on doors is tough going, getting nine ‘no’s’ before a ‘yes’ can be soul destructive and depressing however that one ‘yes’ is the legal high we pursue and embrace when we make the sale.
The sales journey is a roller coaster , it can almost stall then reach amazing heights and hair raising adrenaline pumping speed before the deal is done.
A good example came for me last week when pursuing sales with several business divisions of one of New Zealands largest companies appeared to be going nowhere then from one question I was landed with an opportunity to speak to these two divisions plus a dozen more at their annual supplier conference WOW, imagine if I had given up on this opportunity and all my competitors were at this conference not me.
The secret is to never give in no matter how long the sale is taking or how impossible doing a deal is looking you must motivate yourself to come up with different angles or ask the questions that turn up the answers that lead you to the next stage toward what you are pursuing.
The highway to the sale is littered with the abandoned old car wrecks of the many sales people who gave up along the way…..make sure you are not one of them, I bet like me you could tell a story or two of the time you either gave up and wished you didn’t or maybe hung in there a little while longer and were glad you did. Our mission is to make a habit of hanging in there and being there when the deal is done to tell the story not regretting we didn’t….. not simple,but satisfying…..good luck !!
‘People are not remembered by how few times they fail but by how often they succeed. Every wrong step is another step forward.” Thomas Edison
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