Sunday, November 18, 2012

Real Groovy!!


Edition 165  Monday 19th November 2012

Hi, ‘to be honest’ I have been working on my anger management issues.’To be frank’, it doesn’t seem to be working!’To be fair’ I obviously havent been trying hard enough! ‘At the end of the day’ I know this because there was another complaint received to our office about my driving last week! Yes I admit at times I find it hard to tolerate people who do 60-80km on a 100km open highway,nearly as annoying as people who start or end sentences with one of the highlighted cliches above!
So…there was only one thing for it….off to Real Groovy(you have to go there!) in town to buy some soothing music for the car! Four bargain priced CD’s later and I am in a better place while driving….we shall see!!
Ponder this;
  • Do you know where the spare tyre, jack and tools are in your car?..checked them lately?
  • Harry Jones is feeling Scooby Doo with his brand new # 1 shave for Summer.
  • From the Fletcher Jones file…Mum is a cool entertainer but I am afraid Dad needs work!
  • Prince Charles birthday 14/11, 9 months after Valentines Day !!, go Phil and Liz!!
  • Selling stuff on Trademe……almost as good as buying more stuff !
  • Rescued West Coast buoys to adorn Jim and Ngaire Joneses garden at Waiheke Island.
  • Meet George the Gorilla (attached) made completely from recycled automotive parts!

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend with family and friends… sure to look out for me next week on a highway near you as I sing my way joyfully along as I go !!! Have a cool week, Cheers Jonesey!

Harry and the Hendersons are living the dream with Mum and Fletcher home all day to play with!, after all, lets face it who wants to go for a drive with the grumpy man !!! smile Pop!

Work/life balance is something I have been focusing on more lately especially with our new son.
Getting home and spending quality time with him and Christine is an important part of the day.
Exercise plays a big part in making each day a balanced one.
I try to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day and on most days manage to stretch that out to an hour! I know what you are thinking and saying apart from ‘What a Hero’ you are probably saying, “where do you get the time?”
It isnt easy, if it was I wouldn’t be having to have this conversation with you !!
I havent got a lot of time so I have to plan my exercise carefully, I rise early at 5.30am and train for 30-45 minutes before getting ready and heading off to work. The early start with exercise sets the day up perfectly.
I have found a secret recipe to breaking a busy day in half and recharging the batteries I head to the public pool up the road from work at lunch time and swim a kilometre. All up including getting there, lunch and back to work or to my next meeting this takes 30-40 minutes !!
There was a time when I was first to work and opened the gate each day, worked all day, gulped lunch at the desk, had no real breaks and closed the gate as the last to leave at night, there was something seriously wrong with that picture. I am glad I realised that and did something about it!!

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.”
Henry David Thoreau
George the Gorilla

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