Sunday, December 4, 2011

Running Happy !!!!


Edition 119 Monday 5th December 2011

Hi,its hard to beat the smell of freshly chopped pine from our ‘real’ christmas tree that will fill the house with a forest floor fragrance for the entire festive season. It is a smell synonomous with Christmas and the annual first weekend in December tree hunting mission. Our ‘local tree man’ features personal tree selection and chopping from a large field where your tree is replaced with another seedling as you remove it which is kinda cool in a sustainable green sort of way (this green gorilla is saving the planet).Into the trusty truck and off home to painstakingly erect, trim, straighten, shift, adjust, trim, straighten, decorate and redecorate!! it is all so exciting and soooo christmas. Staying on the end of year christmas get sorted mode/trend/theme I ever so slightly loosened the purse strings over the last week and replaced a pair of work shoes and my beloved Brooks Adrenaline runners ,my best mates(apart from Harry & Oscar) for 30km of fun every week! Once I got over saying goodbye to the old pair I couldn’t believe how amazing owning some new shoes made me feel (no wonder some people have so many pairs!!). We headed to the big smoke with every other Westie on Saturday night where we screamed(and sweated) the night away with Aussie rockers Jimmy Barnes and Cold Chisel! You know you are getting old when you have trouble tolerating a crowd for a couple of hours and with that this slightly grumpy old man admired Jimmy and the boys for making a better fist of it than he did ! I hope you all had a chillaxing(my word of the week) first December weekend spending time with friends and family as we all look forward to another big week. Have a happy and successful time, cheers Jonesey!
Harry the jogging hound would love someone to invent some runners for hounds!!!! (harden up mate)

“Every runner has a dream. A dream of the ideal run. Our job is to make it come true.
This isnt just a pair of the worlds finest shoes. Its our passion. What you see here is the result of paradigm-shifting technologies that have been tested and re-tested (again and again). Years of research on fit,ride, comfort and biomechanics and an almost frightening obsession with every last detail.
Brooks mission is to deliver ‘the perfect ride for every stride’ . Tucked with care in this box is your ‘Run Happy’ revelation. Go set it free!”…… Brooks running company passionate mission
We are all customers with wants , needs , likes and dislikes. If you are anything like me you will pretty much be a creature of habit and you will have favorite labels and proven winners when it comes to purchasing things.
Running shoes are  definitely a good example of this for me. I bought my first pair of Brooks running shoes over 10 years ago and the love affair has flourished ever since. I was captivated by their commitment to what they do and from day one I felt like I was important to them and an integral part of their quest , their frightening obsession with every last detail. I accepted their invitation to let them know what was important to me as a consumer, a customer and above all else ‘a runner’. I pay extra to own a pair of Brooks, it is something I think we all need to strive to get our customers to do. The ‘Run Happy’ battle cry and the ‘perfect ride for every stride’ mission that every pair of shoes is designed to achieve gives me as the wearer a sense of responsibility and ownership for helping ‘my brand’ win that race.
It is something I think we all need to concentrate on getting our customers to buy into with our own brands. We are striving to win the ‘hearts and minds’ of our customers by providing them environmentally sustainable solutions to their waste removal requirements. We are part way there but we have some way to go before our customers feel the way about Green Gorilla as I do about owning a pair of Brooks Adrenaline runners….how do your customers feel about your company and its products?, a good time to ask them and establish why…..good luck with that…have a good one !!

Passion “One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” Helen Keller

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