Monday, December 12, 2011

"Giving a Continental !!!!"


Edition 120 Monday 12th December 2011

Hi, Ive never been that great with measuring things or areas, I always seem to underestimate the room required to fit stuff in. If I do happen to allow enough room then I tend to overlook the room required to get said article to final resting place. That said, I got that familiar sinking feeling on Saturday when I turned up to pick up my latest trademe purchase and realised immediately there was no way it was ever a) going to fit into our allocated area b) or going to be able to fit in any of the entry points to our property!  Crikey! I hate that feeling….you know the one where the payment is electronically past the point of no return and the one heightened by the happy seller as the 5 burley men load the goods( and new problem)on to the trailer of the not so gleeful buyer! A word of advice , always allow more space than what is required! All is not lost however as a fleet footed 11th hour deal was done with one of the burley male volunteers that now sees him free trialing the scoobey doo ‘chick magnet’/therapeutic/rejuvenating late model spa pool(large!) at his pad in ritzy Ranui Heights. Back to the drawing board on this Christmas project for the Jones Boy for now !
Some good academic progress in the Jones camp of late with niece Stacey graduating and snaring her first teaching position whilst son Mark enrolled on an exciting new tertiary adventure in Sydney!
Hey, its not easy being a ‘Jones’ you know and having to keep one step ahead of you lot !!
I hope you had an awesome weekend trying to keep up all the same and enjoyed being with friends and family. I hope you have a great week ahead, try to stay calm as things get hectic in the lead up to the Christmas/New Year break , take care, have a good one. Cheers Jonesey .

Harry the business hound is disappointed the spa wouldn’t fit, he had told all his mates and he, Kate and Oscar were selling tickets to locals for when we were at work!!!!

“Quality is never an accident; It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”  Continental Stairs Quality statement

I read this statement last week on the wall at Continintal stairs Ltd one of our customers. Before I saw this statement I knew there was something different about this business. Businesses have a look and feel about them from the moment you get involved. It can be by phone or physically but a business that is focused on customers and quality will engage and capture you immediately.
Invariably that engagement will be through that business’s most valuable asset…… its people. Their enthusiasm and their energy levels will be a clear indication of how good they are to deal with, how successful they are and the quality of their service and their products.
Continental Stairs run a slick operation in a competitive market sector, they are a family owned business with a commitment to their people and the quality of their service and their products.
This is a successful recipe for any business, ask Don Braid the General Manager of Mainfreight one of New Zealands most successful home grown companies.
He is New Zealands ‘Business Leader of the Year’ for 2011 and just like the team at Continental Stairs his philosophy is all about investment in people, service and quality!
Mainfreaight have expanded worldwide and continue to experience annual double digit growth, recession, what recession? is the question they pose as they close in on the $2billion turnover mark for this financial year. Not bad for a bloke(Bruce Pleisted) who started the business from home in the 70’s with $7500 and an old Bedford truck !
Neither Bruce or Don have  a reserved car park or an office in the Mainfreight car park or head office, they slot in just like the rest of their team ready to do what it takes to deliver quality service.
Setting a great example for their team and to those of us who are striving to deliver a similar outcome……..good luck on the journey.
“Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with quality.”

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