Edition 59 Monday September 20th 2010
Hi , what a crazy weather weekend, no where more so than the wild west coast. The repeated warnings to stay away guaranteed a record turnout of ‘rubber necks’ at our local beach !. I love heading to the coast when there is a storm there is something about witnessing the power and fury of nature unleashing that is both fascinating and scary rolled in to one. Harry the rescue hound and I found and retrieved some beach treasure in the form of a giant black plastic buoy from a mussel farm or trawler washed ashore in the storm (exciting stuff).
After lugging it home and spending the rest of the weekend suffering from the exertion of doing so we are at a loss as to what to do with the monstrosity now dominating our back yard,hmm why did we do that?,seemed like a good idea at the time… the Jones hoarder collector trait takes control and before you know it another treasure in the collection !!
I hope you all had an equally adventurous but hopefully restful weekend Cheers Jonesey
Harry the salvage hound reckons beach treasure is overrated justgive him juicy bones!
“The more I do the more I eat and sleep” Harry the Jones hound.
After this weekend I feel absolutely shagged and there is no one to blame but me (I hate it when that happens as blaming others is far easier !). I took on far too much, stretched myself too thin and ended up totally exhausted with too little sleep or rest.
Sound familiar? Its all very well having goals and objectives linked into plans but as mentioned last week we need to build time into our plans and our busy lives for us. This means allowing for a decent amount of sleep and some time out for rest and relaxation. When I examine my program from the weekend these two components were sadly lacking no wonder I feel shagged !. Not the best start for the working week for me or my employer!.
I watched Deaker on sport with interest the other night as he interviewed Ritchie McCaw and two of the All Black ‘conditioning’ support team. There is a huge emphasis on ‘recovery’ from game and training exertion involving a lot of rest, stretching and focus on nutrition. All injured players abstain from any alcohol intake and others only drink occasionally because of the negative effect on recovery and health in general. Some real lessons there CJ take note, I think we all need to take a leaf from Harry and Boris on the R&R subject……don’t you !! Good luck.
‘The less I do the more I eat and sleep in my favorite sunny spot” Boris Jones the cat
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