Thursday, October 7, 2010

If not you? Then Who?

Edition 56 Monday August 30th  2010.

Hi , about the Dentist, I’m no hero so opted for as much pain killer as a human could bear , this unfortunately did not save my wallet….worse pain than child birth they (blokes) say !
I  had a busy weekend having dropped on to a ‘free’ source of demolition firewood. Spent most of the weekend loading and sawing it up which was exhausting, but, satisfying to fill the man shed with fuel. The fact that the winter is over and daylight saving and Spring are upon us is minor detail .There are also the smarter than you sorts who calculate the overall time cost of the ‘free’ stuff and inform you that for half the time and price you could have had some delivered but ………………its not the same!
I also spent some time sorting and displaying my rugby memorabilia in the man study. I had fun being transported back in time as I enjoyed reconnecting with stuff that had been stored for far too long . I hope you had a good weekend too…………… Cheers Jonesey 
Harry the firewood hound wanted to help but every time he thought about offering he lay down and waited for the urge to go away. A Dogs slumbering, snoring is never done.

“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it”. Napoleon Hill.
“Ok Mr ‘Upbeat’ what happens when you feel anything but on a Monday morning?”....Hmmm good question I thought as I was asked this recently . A fair and reasonable point especially in todays tough economic times or if things may not be going that well outside of work!
We talk a lot about ‘attitude’,’ self belief’ and ‘positivity’ each week and suggest some things you can do to assist you to stand out from those who react negatively to Monday rather than plan in advance to have a good start to their day and week. 
There is only one person responsible for your Monday and every other day you face and that is YOU. You are lucky because every day you get to choose your attitude, it is a simple 2 choice menu . You can choose to have a good day or you can choose to have a bad one but you must consciously make that choice.  If you don’t then you leave it to chance and chances are it will turn to custard just like the millions of others who do this daily ! So sales sizzzzzlers make the good day choice every day and differentiate yourself from the mediocre masses DO IT NOW!
“If not you, then who? If not now, when?    Hillel

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