Sunday, March 4, 2018

No Spring Chicken




                                                                                       Edition 417 Monday 05/03/18


Hi,summer flies drive me nuts. We have all the sprays auto and manual but the winged invaders keep on coming… least that is until we unleash our secret weapon……..

Fly Busters Muriwai style…..Father and son armed with tea towels zapping flies.

Our success rate is way above any chemical based remedy and heaps more fun !!!

Speaking of fun we spent quality angling time on the Shelley Beach wharf this weekend in pursuit of the monster snapper reported to be lurking beneath!!The sign advising that Great White Sharks had been seen recently in the area was a bit of a giveaway explanation for why anything with half a brain shouldn’t have been in the immediate area including us!!!

Fletcher reckons fishing beats fly hunting any day although he is quick to remind his Father that he is far superior at both!!

Something funny about fishing off a wharf is the comaraderie and sense of family that abounds amonst wharf fisher people.Fletcher was invited to reel in complete strangers fish on their behalf and got to throw back a number of undersized snap snaps as a special treat!

Another simple local expedition full of total reward and memory for us both….gold !!

So our 5 year old keeps us young while his brothers are a constant reminder that we are not entitled to reside in the spring chicken coop!!...btw Happy 35th Mark Patrick Jones!!!

Updating….Audi is crap and been returned to vendor,Blues are crap and not missing SKY, Boats beat wharves any day so either buy one or get more friends with them!

To finish on a positive note,I noticed our neighbours (the one we like and still talk to) rubbish all over the road last week so made the effort to pick it up and tidy up their ripped bag.It got my week off to a good vibe flyer and I thoroughly recommend it to you all.

Have a happy week looking for random acts of kindness opportunities……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons she knew the Audi was crap but liked the look anyway!





“Winning is a state of mind that embraces everything you do.”Bryce Courtenay


I have always been a competitive person and never liked losing.

I guess that is why I enjoy selling so much…..I like to win.

So when the opportunity to enter a Toastmasters competition comes along,Im in!

I find being in a competitive environment both envigorating and challenging.

This can either bring the best or worst out in a person depending on the following;

  • Preparation/research
  • Practise/timing
  • Originality/Innovation
  • Points of difference
  • Energy/enthusiasm
  • An unconditional/uncompromising will to win

Massive similarities above between getting yourself up for either a sport, business or Toastmasters competition.

I was lucky enough to win on this occasion but know to advance the hard work starts now!

Just like in business, you are only as good as your last sale, it doesn’t guarantee others.

I am determined to get better and on the back of my recent comments about the need to be constantly self helping,use this experience to be better at everything I do…Just do it team!!


“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”

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