Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Teacher changed my life




                                                                                       Edition 420 Monday 26/03/18


Hi,OMG is there any one in NZ not watching “Married at first site Australia”?Crikey everywhere you go, everyone you talk to seems to be obsessed with it.That being the case and being the ‘on to it ‘ sales guy I am I thought I better watch too so I know what my customers are on about!It has worked a treat although in the line of duty I now find myself hooked on my 4x weekly fix.Final episodes approaching and then another NZ series so plenty of compulsive ‘train wreck’ viewing to come…all in the name of making and maintaining contacts in pursuit of my ultimate fix…..the next sale of course!

Fletcher reckons toilet and behaviour training with Lily is going well although there have been a number of incidents involving Dads slippers…… poor Dad….enough said!

Something funny about reality TV is you know it is crap but you cant wait for the next invasive cringe filled episode!

A good mate passed away tragically during the week something that stopped me in my tracks and something I have been unable to stop thinking about.Lots of questions;when was the last time I made the effort to talk to him? did he need to talk to someone, did he realise I was here for him,did he know what he meant to me?why mate why?and then some guilt,Im sorry, I should have, I would have, what if?,…..and now nothing but regret!!

A timely and painful reminder to reconnect with those from your past and the present who you may have drifted away from but still care for deeply,make sure they know how you feel.

……Cheers Jonesey


Kate Henderson reckons Lily is the sister she always deserved but never had!!





“The wonder of teaching is watching caterpillars become butterflies.”


Well I have really taken my own advice to heart lately!

There must be something about writing something enough times it becomes reality!

Last week I stepped forward and volunteered to spend time with Fletchers Year 1 class mates helping them with word identification, usage, and reading!!!

Crikley talk about a contrast between Year 1 and year 13 groups but equally rewarding!

Each in their own way an amazing opportunity to pass on knowledge and confidence.

Also each another chance for me to develop further as a person by sharing my time.

As if that wasn’t enough, in the same week I also volunteered to be the 6th Grade Falcons Soccer Coach!!! 9 out of control 5&6 year olds full of weetbix on a Saturday morning!!

Again something I absolutely love doing and cant wait for the season to kick off!

Interestingly when I left school I had a burning desire to be a teacher, it was my calling!

I applied for and was accepted to Teachers College however due to a number of circumstances combining to create a perfect storm I was unable to proceed.

In a lot of ways the coaching, mentoring and time I have committed to assisting others to grow and develop has been my way of being the teacher I never was!

So some more examples of the ‘self development’ pathway I am passionate about.

Its not hard for anyone to find opportunities to help others like the ones outlined above!

Plenty of organisations, clubs and schools are looking for mentors, coaches and volunteers!

I urge you all to make the effort to give a small amount of precious time to help others.

The benefits are mutual and game changing you just need to make it happen!.....NOW !!


“Teachers who love teaching teach children to love learning.”

Sunday, March 18, 2018

New Dog, old tricks!




                                                                                       Edition 419 Monday 19/03/18


Hi,we have a happy,playful,energetic household full of joy and laughter.Have we won lotto?, no,but something equally as lucky and fortunate.….we have a new puppy!!

Her name is Lily Patch Jones and she is our adorable new arrival to the Jones clan at 48!

Our step son Stephen commented recently that the addition of Maltese Freddy Fisher to their household had made such a huge impact on all their lives and it is so true.

Animals galvanise and bond families and remind us all there is more to life than we think!

Fletcher reckons his puppy Lily is the best thing since Harry and Oscar and something he looks forward to loving and teaching all the their old dog tricks to!! (happy days).

Something funny about pets is their ability to melt the most frosty grumpy persona and their magnetic/universal appeal to all no matter what is going on around. We have had a steady stream of visitors this weekend wanting to visit and cuddle our new puppy!

Updating, we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary and look forward to an endless number of more,the pohutakawa tree lives (yay),last week of dog sitting (yay)Hot X buns (yay), countdown on to next level of Toastmasters competition…….bring it on!

I hope your life is full of little bundles of joy like ours……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons Lily Patch will take some training but she is up for it!!





“The harder I work the more luck I seem to have.”Thomas Jefferson


I have always maintained luck doesn’t come to you, you make your own!

Case in point last week whilst out walking streets knocking on doors.

I had an appointment with a customer and whilst waiting called on neighbours.

Fortunately I was across the road from a company I have been pursuing.

I boldly entered and asked for the contact who to this point had been elusive.

No luck unfortunately,however, back out in the car park a major breakthrough!

I was lucky enough to meet the owner of the business who I know from way back!

We had a great chat and plenty of laughs catching up on old times.

So what lessons here?;

  • Always back yourself and try different ways to achieve the same result.
  • When doing the above you attract lucky breaks rather than rely on them.
  • Use your network more, don’t hold back if you have contacts in higher places.
  • He/she who hesitates loses.

From this chance meeting the boss the person I have been seeking has now responded.

We have an invitation to tender for the National requirements of this company.

Imagine where I would be if I hadnt called in on the off chance?


Never give in, always have a crack and luck will come your way…eventually!


We will all stand for long time with mouth open waiting for roast duck to fly in!

Have a great week doing what you love in the exciting and BIG field of opportunity!



“A big part of making your own luck is charging out of the gate every morning.”

Tom Brokaw

Sunday, March 11, 2018





                                                                                       Edition 418 Monday 12/03/18


Hi,we have made a concerted effort to stay away from the numerous fast food outlets that litter our country.So much so that our son has never heard of most of them which are household names and regular destinations for a lot of 5 year olds!Is that bad or over protective parenting or are those that use these places as baby sitting outlets and ‘every event’ venues the baddies? Whilst it is not something we have dwelled on we do plan to continue the ‘no go’ policy as long as we can.Our special family treat is the occasional visit to ‘Burger Fuel’ for which we are prepared to pay a premium for an equally ‘happy meal’ J.

Fletcher reckons having Weasel and Fathom back for a stay is cool even if he has to sneak them on to his bed after Dad turns the light out!! (Hmmmm #*!@%&^$##$^**).

Something funny about being 2nd time around parents is how much you find yourself stopping and thinking before you speak. This is especially so when you observe or talk to other parents who know it all (or think they do)!There was a time I would have a crack but knowing what I know now makes me better than that….same goes for a lot of things eh?

What about those Blues and Warriors……..yeah right….keep the faith fellow sufferers!!

Have an ‘Upbeat’ week team, smile, laugh and stay away from Macca’sJ……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons dog sitting for Dave our local Vet is a smart move!





“Ambition is my drug,success is the only cure.”


They say having kids keeps you young and agile (especially 2nd time around) !

Well the same can be said of mentoring or coaching (actually both).

I have first hand experience and can confirm this to definitely be the case.

Last week I met my new YES (Young Enterprise Scheme) group from Takapuna Grammar.

The YES programme is all about encouraging and guiding young entrepreneurs.

Groups come up with a business idea and then spend their year 13 Economics class time fine tuning and developing it to market.

Along the way they are mentored by people like me who do a lot of listenening(note to self) and a little bit of guiding and navigating to keep things on track and stimulated.

Each group has a CEO, Ops Manager, Finance, Marketing/Sales , and HR management team who are encouraged to work together harmoniously to achieve a successful outcome.

Some times are more harmonious than others ,hence another role for the mentor.

YES is run as a competition via the national secondary schools network with lucrative prizes and financial assistance available to be won by the best teams/ideas.

A number of YES teams have gone on to form companies to take ideas and sales next level.

Some have even sold their ideas to ‘Dragons’ to fund their future tertiary studies (smart as)!

Crikey it is a buzz being involved with the business movers and shakers of the future!

I am lucky to be invited to participate each year and don’t ever hesitate to do so.

Not only am I returning to my old school to give something back but I am able to pursue my passion for helping and motivating young people which is something I absolutely love doing.

Mentoring in this way stimulates my creative side,forces me to think and finds me regularly surprising myself with what I already know and can pass on in a fun way….’use it or lose it’.

As we have discussed in recent editions there are numerous ways to self improve and this is definitely another one well worth looking in to and pursuing….watch this space.


“When people say what do you do?…. you say “whatever it takes”!.”

Sunday, March 4, 2018

No Spring Chicken




                                                                                       Edition 417 Monday 05/03/18


Hi,summer flies drive me nuts. We have all the sprays auto and manual but the winged invaders keep on coming… least that is until we unleash our secret weapon……..

Fly Busters Muriwai style…..Father and son armed with tea towels zapping flies.

Our success rate is way above any chemical based remedy and heaps more fun !!!

Speaking of fun we spent quality angling time on the Shelley Beach wharf this weekend in pursuit of the monster snapper reported to be lurking beneath!!The sign advising that Great White Sharks had been seen recently in the area was a bit of a giveaway explanation for why anything with half a brain shouldn’t have been in the immediate area including us!!!

Fletcher reckons fishing beats fly hunting any day although he is quick to remind his Father that he is far superior at both!!

Something funny about fishing off a wharf is the comaraderie and sense of family that abounds amonst wharf fisher people.Fletcher was invited to reel in complete strangers fish on their behalf and got to throw back a number of undersized snap snaps as a special treat!

Another simple local expedition full of total reward and memory for us both….gold !!

So our 5 year old keeps us young while his brothers are a constant reminder that we are not entitled to reside in the spring chicken coop!!...btw Happy 35th Mark Patrick Jones!!!

Updating….Audi is crap and been returned to vendor,Blues are crap and not missing SKY, Boats beat wharves any day so either buy one or get more friends with them!

To finish on a positive note,I noticed our neighbours (the one we like and still talk to) rubbish all over the road last week so made the effort to pick it up and tidy up their ripped bag.It got my week off to a good vibe flyer and I thoroughly recommend it to you all.

Have a happy week looking for random acts of kindness opportunities……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons she knew the Audi was crap but liked the look anyway!





“Winning is a state of mind that embraces everything you do.”Bryce Courtenay


I have always been a competitive person and never liked losing.

I guess that is why I enjoy selling so much…..I like to win.

So when the opportunity to enter a Toastmasters competition comes along,Im in!

I find being in a competitive environment both envigorating and challenging.

This can either bring the best or worst out in a person depending on the following;

  • Preparation/research
  • Practise/timing
  • Originality/Innovation
  • Points of difference
  • Energy/enthusiasm
  • An unconditional/uncompromising will to win

Massive similarities above between getting yourself up for either a sport, business or Toastmasters competition.

I was lucky enough to win on this occasion but know to advance the hard work starts now!

Just like in business, you are only as good as your last sale, it doesn’t guarantee others.

I am determined to get better and on the back of my recent comments about the need to be constantly self helping,use this experience to be better at everything I do…Just do it team!!


“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”