Sunday, December 17, 2017

Tis the season

                                                                                       Edition 410 Monday 18/12/17


Hi,welcome to the last ‘Upbeat’ for 2017 and what a year its been,surpassing edition #400,saving our planet,Fletcher off to school,running another 1500km and swimming over 100km in the pool!Yes you will have had to ‘get your froth on’ to keep up with this Jones boy….not really but I for one am glad you did so thanks again for your amazing support.

It certainly hasn’t been without its sad times as we said a sad goodbye to our dear family members Harry Jones and Oscar Henderson,may they both be having dog heaven fun!

In preparation for our hot summer holiday we splashed out (excuse the pun) and bought a DIY pool at our local MM10.After numerous attempts to assemble it I did two things that all blokes eventually do;1)listen to their wives 2)read the instructions!(see pics).

Fletcher reckons his new pool is ‘far out man’ and he cant wait to have the ‘coolest’time! Dad thinks its quite cool too with less lawn to mowJ.

Something funny#1 about the Christmas spirit is it can make you do some special and extraordinary things like my recent visit to the local jewellers.I popped in for a watch battery for my beloved wooden watch and came away with a stunning pair of Aqua Marine earrings for my beautiful wife…a deserved and thoroughly worthwhile diversion J.

Something funny#2 about being a voluteer fire fighter is you can be called anytime like last week in the middle of Fletchers prize giving when his Mum got the call…Go Mum Go!

We are so looking forward to taking a decent break after a busy year so ‘Upbeat’ will be off line until Monday January 22nd 2018. In the meantime we hope you and those closest to you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy welcome and start to the New Year.

Take extra special care and make sure you take time out for YOU…Cheers Jonesey.

Kate Henderson reckons taking ‘time out’ is her secret to ongoing Lab longevity!


“You don’t build a business,you build people and then people build the business”.

Zig Ziglar


In a successful finish to another busy and productive year I was able to broker a deal with some value added benefits.

The deal sees us gaining massive exposure to another region via the sale of a collection vehicle and a range of equipment.

Deals like this don’t happen overnight they are crafted over a long period of time and built on a solid foundation of trust and goodwill.

Lets face it any deal,relationship or arrangement needs all these cornerstones in place if it is to be successful.

I was particularly proud that the arrangement was concluded as a result of my long term commitment to the relationship with the purchaser.

The thing about deals like this is that the agreement is just the beginning of the next phase of the relationship.

It is not something we can now leave to chance if there is to be a mutual benefit from it.

Anyone can sell something once but it takes energy and commitment to follow through to ensure the ongoing benefits accrue for both parties.

Interestingly in a late breaking development last week we got a tentative order for another collection vehicle and more equipment because of our willingness to provide the support!

So my message is to stick at the relationship building even when it seems like nothing is coming from it because let me assure you it is the way to go and totally worth the effort!


“Whatever good things we build end up building us”. Jim Rohn

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