Sunday, November 12, 2017

We will remember them.


                                                                                       Edition 405 Monday 13/11/17

Hi,thanks to all you ear specialists out there for the ear full of thoughts and your many additional favourite remedies provided after last weeks moan!!I managed to resist the temptation to spend a small fortune on additional potions and reverted instead to a specialist used in the past.She scolded me for being so silly and prescribed some stuff that fixed me up in a couple of days,moral of the story ‘stay with what you know bro’!

Fletcher reckons the fact that he spends more time falling off his bike than actually on it is all part of the learning process!School,sports day,swimming lessons,nippers and bike riding all providing ample reason why having enough energy and staying onboard are often a bridge too far….a little more compassion from the head Coach at 48 would be good too!

Something funny happened when I lost my credit card whilst out bike riding with Fletcher (in my pocket with phone to buy a surprise icecream enroute!). After retracing our trail and having no luck I was about to leave the carpark and noticed the sun glinting off something on the ground which unbelieveably turned out to be my card?!Lotto ticket here I come!

We shared a cool time with Mum and Dad on the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month celebrating/commemorating the Armistice Day ceasefire ending WW1.

Dad is a Korean war veteran and we were particularly honoured and proud to be invited and able to join him and fellow veterans at a moving ceremony on Saturday 11/11/17.

I got the distinct feeling that these guys would probably put their hands up again given half the chance!! Well done Jimmy Jones you are and will always be my hero.(see pic).

I hope you have someone that motivates and inspires you too…..Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons Oscar Henderson and Harry Jones are her Hero’s RIP !!




“And you will succeed,Yes!you will indeed (98 and ¾ guaranteed)”.Dr Seuss

Do you remember you first day at School?
Chances are you probably don’t but if you do it will be because you had someone who made a good job of looking after you and showing you around.
You possibly remember it for other reasons because it was maybe traumatic and scary!
Inducting new staff members is no different and can make a huge difference to a newbie!
I was reminded of this last week being responsible for employing and inducting a new member to our team.
Typically I havent done a great job in the past and have relied on others or even the new person to take the initiative which is selfish and unfair!
This time I am pleased to say I have made an effort to develop a plan that provides a comprehensive introduction to our company and the new role.
The key to this has been me committing personally to making time to ensure this happened!
When you think about it, changing jobs/industries/professions is one of those ‘moments of truth’ we hope we don’t have to face too often in life.
There will be elements of doubt that they have done the right thing and possibly some anxiety about the new role and company.
It is therefore important to allay any fears and dispel any anxiety from day one.
That is the vital role of the person/persons responsible for looking after the new employee!
So just like our first day at school sets us up for our entire school life our first day at work sets us up for a happy and successful career so it is important we all play our part!!
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
Nelson Mandela

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