Sunday, September 17, 2017

'Seal' the deal !!





                                                                                       Edition 397 Monday 18/09/17


Hi, I used to ignorantly roll my eyes when I heard that people were offered counselling to assist them overcome exposure to trauma.These days it is accepted ,common place and recommended as a means of dealing with a range of experiences.No body is invincible and whilst we all deal with things differently I for one am pleased this service is available to volunteers like Christine who are first response frontliners. The days of having to harden up and soldier on regardless are thankfully long gone as are my old fashioned archaic views!!

Fletcher reckons having a seal for a pet would be cool especially if he could take him to swimming lessons!!Hmmmm careful what you wish for kid(see photo attached)!!

Something funny about the exhausted but live seal from last week is our resident ‘rescue anything’ person also had a chance meeting with what was probably the same fur ball.

Judging by the attached photo we are lucky it is not continuing its recovery in a warm bath at our ‘rescue retreat’!!!Imagine taking one for a walk on a lead….dont go there!!

Honesty is the best policy but not always my first thought I am sad to say! Last week I selected and marked the wrong courier pack at the Post Office.I admit my first thought was to bin the mistake rather than disclose however after deciding against this and declaring my stupidity the nice PO lady decided not to charge me because of my honesty….hmmmm if only she knew! Have an honestly good and ‘Upbeat’ week ahead!!……..Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons she is not sharing her bath with a sneaky, slinky seal!!




“Making promises and keeping them is a great way to build a brand”.


Little old Green Gorilla recently appointed a Marketing Manager to the team.

In a rare moment of calm and with a rush of blood to the head we decided it was time!

Time to stop flying under the radar and to join all the other companies out there shouting from the rooftops and promoting their brand!

Time to catch our breath from the first frenetic seven years and to work on the business.

This allows us to focus on our points of difference and what we consider makes us great.

All that stuff that should be front of mind now is, with the development and enhancement of  our social media with our upgraded website way out front and centre.

A quarterly internal newsletter featuring staff and company achievement is underway with two editions already delivered to our growing team.

This will be added to with a customer newsletter soon to hit the electronic highway!

Reviewed and revised sales collateral is a much needed and appreciated work in progress!

We are manning stands at two huge trade shows in September and October.

The highlight to date for me is the focus this move has given us on Community support.

The importance of giving back cannot be underestimated as there are so many worthy organisations doing such awesome work behind the scenes everyday.

To this end we recently sponsored the launch of a new Green Building certification program.

We support and sponsor a number of Community organisations in the North West.

Our biggest commitment to date is to the not for profit charitable trust ‘Sea Cleaners’

They are an amazing organization doing on the sea what we do on the land by keeping the Waitemata Harbour and Hauraki Gulf rubbish free. It is our pleasure to support them.

The interesting thing for me is the amount of recognition and satisfaction we have received since investing more in our brand and our community…giving a little to get a lot!!


“Your culture is your brand”. Marketing Dept Green Gorilla!!!

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