Sunday, March 5, 2017

Right place at the right time!!

                                                                                       Edition 369 Monday 06/03/17



Hi, eveyone deserves a treat (too right) so now and then I head to Crosbys pies Onehunga.It is an iconic local Onehunga store who bake the meanest pies and my favourite is their steak and mussel(yum).Last week I was disappointed to discover they had been cleaned out by the locals but then overwhelmed with joy when my favourite pie pixies gave this hungry bear a steak and mussel pie fresh out of the oven,right place at the right time!

Speaking of which the local volunteer fire brigade has been busy lately attending a diverse rang of emergency callouts from horses locked in floats to cardiac arrests to body retrieval from the wild and unforgiving west coast….special people doing extraordinary things!

Fletcher reckons he has what it takes to join his Mum in the local rescue team.Like me he is inspired by their courage and commitment to assisting others in need.I guess that will leave his Dad to look after the home fires and coordinate rescue efforts from the couch!!

They say you don’t appreciate stuff until it is gone one day and then you realise how good it was and how much you miss it.My vehicle airconditioning spat the dummy last week so I totally concur with this statement….sorry Korando and Korea for all the bad stuff I have said about you and  your cars….please can I have my nice airconditioning back…please!!!

I hope like me this and other stuff has put a wee smile J on your face……Cheers Jonesey.


The Hendersons reckon they would be willing to have a crack at steak and mussel!

“I don’t care what you think about me.I don’t think about you at all”. Coco Chanel
I have heard it said that “for every six people who like you there will be six that don’t”.
This bugs me because I want everyone to like me however the reality is they wont!
Although that may be reality I still want everyone to like me and get annoyed if the don’t.
I had a recent example when a customer wouldn’t return my calls after I had met with him and submitted a proposal for his business.
Our meeting went well and I was confident he liked me and the solution I suggested.
So why wasn’t he returning my calls… could he possibly not like me??
Instead of shrugging this off I found myself obsessed with why he wasn’t returning calls and/or why he didn’t like me enough to at least do me the courtesy of a response.
I finally (via a mildly assertive email) managed to solicit an answer which was less than friendly but at least provided the much needed update.
So what I have reluctantly concluded over a career of selling and a few personal relationships is that no matter how hard we try not everyone is going to like us!
Yes we have a need to be liked however sometimes up to 50% of the people we meet wont give a monkeys about that and for a variety of reasons will think the opposite.
Rather than let it obsess us we need to move on or it will do our heads in with worry.
There are enough people in the world to like us , want to be with us and want to do business with us to keep all of us going for more than one lifetime!!

As hard as it is to accept we need to get over it and move on to other movies and sales.
In a footnote to last weeks story my favourite vehicle sales guy won my business…YAY!!
“Its ok if some people don’t like you,not everybody has good taste”. Marilyn Monroe

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