Sunday, February 14, 2016

"Its funny how things work out sometimes....."




                                                                                       Edition 318 Monday 15/02/16Joneses.jpg






Hi,no matter how commercialised ‘they’ say it has become Valentines Day is still a special day for romantics.It is a day where unlimited free license to express ones feelings for another exists.There are ‘others’ who reckon if you need a day specially created for the purpose then how romantic are you?....all said and done I enjoy taking the time to say thanks and to express my ‘true feelings’. I hope you did too or that maybe someone else recognised your special qualities anonymously?? :)

I am writing to the romantic backdrop of our pre-loved ‘solid state stereo’ dutifully delivering dulcet smooth Valentines Day tribute love songs on a legendary AM channel…….pure retro magic!!

Fletcher reckons;we should definitely start a ‘give a little’ page to buy Matua Vineyard considering  the amount of time he spends there chasing frisbees and footballs!!....Hmmmm not a bad idea kid, ‘youll move mountains my boy!! this space !!

Surfing, swimming,pizza,pinot and strawberry icecreams completed another busy weekend for  the Joneses in the Nor West as we made the most of our very own slice of paradise.

Life sure doesn’t have to be complicated or over priced there are plenty of cool things to do close to home that don’t cost an arm or a leg in fact many are totally free….no excuse really!

Get out there ‘in amongst’ with the friends and family that matter most to you……..Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon sleeping inside is the ‘Gold card’ equivalent for dogs!




“Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.”

John Wooden


Its funny how things work out sometimes J.

My recent dramas ended last week with the loss of my bid to save my train wreck deal.

In an ironic twist my customer won a better outcome and was grateful to me for it.

Rather than deflated I was motivated and determined to make ammends!

Interestingly there were numerous opportunities last week to do just that!!

I met a former colleague who is CEO of a major National company and we got talking.

From that chat I was offered the chance to win business at 20 new sites in Auckland.

There was also an invite to present to an industry conference to further enhance both our brands!

Then I did a favour for another customer who duly offered me a day out fishing with more customers!

Crikey I was on a roll when I received two invitations to industry networking events where a number of key decision makers from large potential customers were also attending…count me in!!!

As if that wasn’t enough to make me quickly forget the drama of the previous weeks out of the blue I received a follow up call from two more major potential customers wanting to talk turkey.

One I have been chasing for an appointment for months and the other who also has multiple sites in Auckland who would have thought it would be such an amazingly eventful short week!!!!

So….what a roller coaster ride the start to 2016  has been already for this commercial traveller!!!!

Mistakes made, lessons learned,opportunities lost, new ones uncovered,bad luck offset with good luck in spades(life is like that),deals cooking,some burned some done to perfection (sales is like that)and above all an ‘Upbeat’ attitude regardless to get me through!!

Yes life and Sales is like that and no matter how tough things seem at times there are always good things through the next door you open,the secret is to keep knocking on and opening them!!

I cant wait for next week and the one after that and that yet who knows how many or mediocre my opportunities might have been if I had not been sat back on my bottom recently!!

Its funny how things work out sometimes J.


“Life is like a camera,focus on whats important,capture the good times,develop from the negatives and if it doesn’t work out take another shot.” Clinton Jones

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