Sunday, January 24, 2016

Lace up and GO!!!!




                                                                                       Edition 315 Monday 25/01/16Joneses.jpg






Hi,no matter how many times Christine tells me….I know best….or think I do .So when I discovered some lonely peanut brittle begging to be eaten she advised me not to in the interest of my ageing teeth………..hmmm……but I ignored her because….I knew best!

On this occasion my decision to proceed will cost me significantly more than my pride!!!!

Arrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.I am dumb,I am dumb,I am dumb,I am dumb,I am dumb!

Fletcher reckons;he is excited about moving into his larger bedroom however still negotiating on the rental!He is learning a lot without even having to ask by watching Daddy!.

Whilst I am happy to be a role model for my son I wish the lessons werent so expensive(for me)!!

‘They’ say if a bird drops doodoo on you then it is good luck? test this theory we bought a lotto ticket when it happened to Christine recently!......crikey you wont believe it but we won a 3rd division prize of $850!!!! we can reliably report whoever ‘they’ are is right !!!!The problem now is no matter how hard we all try we cant get another bird even slightly interested in repeating the favour!

As a high performance athlete it is important to have good running shoes and Brooks do it for me!!

You have to love their vision and philosophy clearly imprinted on every shoe box….” Lace up and go! These shoes are overflowing with possibilities.Show them the ropes.Pound the pavement.Tromp some trails.Thrill them.Give them adventure.Run Happy”…….Mr and Mrs Brooks….I promise to do my best!!

I hope you are having fun in the sun with people who care and matter most to you,Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon a doodoo on my newly cut lawn is their way of saying “Good job grumpy man, thanks!”.......Aaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!




“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”Dr Seuss


What makes you different…..anything or nothing you can think of immediately?

If you don’t have a noticeable point of difference how can you and why does that matter?

The other day I saw a Mainfreight truck and two things struck me;

1)The truck was immaculately clean and well presented,it was noticeably different!

2)It had a quote on the back that took my interest…….”A peacock who sits on its feathers is just another Turkey”…..also noticeably different.

Mainfreight have a policy that ensures their owner and company drivers wash their vehicles everyday before leaving their respective depots.To them appearance and image is everything and they are determined to establish and maintain theirs,which they do well…check out their vehicles!!

They also have positive thought provoking quotes on their fleet and I for one used that quote as a theme, keynote and focus in a number of  written and verbal presentations I did last week.

Amazing how two small things can make such a huge difference and be so noticeable to others!

So what makes you different….anything or nothing you can think of immediately?

Interestingly the wooden watch that Christine bought me recently has been a huge point of interest in meetings, presentations and events that I have attended. Quite cool to have something like this noticeably different and relavant especially in the sustainability sector.

My voicemail and phone signature that my existing and prospective customers receive is also purposely made a bit different and something that I receive regular and positive feedback on.

Being noticeably different doesn’t have to be rocket science just something specific to you that stands you out from the crowd.

So if you don’t have something that defines you then you need to be inventive and introduce something that makes you a bit different…..have some fun with it,be inventive and creative.

Good luck.


“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” Coco Chanel

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