Sunday, May 18, 2014

Giant muck up!




Edition 234 Monday May 19th  2014








Hi,after a slightly nervous couple of weeks I got my bowel screening result back and it was normal, what a relief. I was over the moon A) because I actually motivated myself to capture and send the sample and B) because I am one of the lucky ones for now!! Crikey if you are part of a free screening or reluctant for any reason to get checked for anything please make the effort, you wont regret it!!

Thinking and talking about mortality we have had a hell of a couple of weeks with the tragic death of one of our local teenagers and then one of our best and dearest friends had a serious car accident.He spent the weekend fighting for his life,and thankfully made it to fight another day,Yay Fluffy Mike !!

Crikey life can deliver you some curve balls when you are least expecting them. We just have to make sure we try to live and fill every minute of our lives with purpose and positivity to ensure we don’t have any regrets if and when something tragic or unexpected happens to us or our loved ones!

So if you are guilty of not telling someone close to you how you truly feel through catching up face to face or electronically then do it soon and then stay in touch. Life is too short to lose contact. The retirement villages, homes, hospital wards and hospices have far too many people in them who do have regrets, guilt and resentment!.....dont you be one of them !!!!.

On a more positive note a friend did visit us on the weekend and passed on his expert barista advice transforming our Breville coffee making skills. His Dad is a coffee roaster and he came armed with product and skills that have changed our lives forever. Life is definitely too short and there is absolutely no need to drink bad coffee….ever !! the Turkish proverb aptly says…………

 Coffee should be black as Hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.” Yes it matters !!!

From the Fletcher file; growing up with three adoring canine brothers is a little boys dream come true. I am not sure who is in charge at times but it is amusing to watch! J

I hope the little things that happen in your lives also provide you with a source of amusement, fun and special memories……have an awesome week ahead….stay in touch, cheers Jonesey !!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon they are Fletchers Directors of fun and entertainment!



“By seeking and blundering we learn.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


I made a ginormous muck up last week, now whilst I was angry and disappointed I put my hand on my heart and admitted it straight away.

There are times in the past where I havent done this and I have looked to blame someone else or make up an elaborate excuse about why and how it may have occurred.

The important thing about owning up and facing the reality of the situation as soon as possible is that you can immediately set about rectifying the situation and the subsequent fall out.

In this case I was able to ask for another opportunity to submit a tender document after missing a deadline because I plain old ‘forgot’ all about it!!!!...Crikey not only did I have to tell the company I was supposed to submit to I had to come clean to my boss as well…..double wammy.

The bosses reaction was somewhat understated “That’s not a good look is it?”……hmmm tell me something I don’t know bro !!!

Anyway I reckon my approach went a long way to securing me the opportunity to submit the tender late and without penalty…..I even managed to have a laugh with our customer at my own expense!!

Now if I had procrastinated and tried to weasle my way out of it I would have lost all opportunity for a come back, lost the business and any credibility I had with anyone in this true story.

The moral of my tale is clearly….if you muck up (and you will) then you need to be honest, admit it and set quickly about rectifying the situation…….you wont look back and you will always be a better person for it. Here endeth the lesson !!!! this space for tender result !!!!


“I am who I am today because of the mistakes I made yesterday.”  Jonesey

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