Sunday, September 15, 2013





Edition 203 Monday September 16th 2013


 Hi, Spring is an exciting time as daylight saving and the long hot days of Summer approach. Inevitably the days are not the only things getting longer as the ‘to do’ before Summer list also starts to grow. Whilst that can be daunting it is also exciting as you build the list and start to tick the boxes as the tasks are ‘knocked off’ one by one…….hmmmm sounds easy enough. Well it sort of did till we took time out this weekend to compile our ‘to do’ before Summer list! It was exciting to visualise us achieving our goals yet hard to see the spare time required! So like that chap who posed the question about “how to eat an elephant?” we decided that we will consume our list one ‘bite’ at a time. Project ‘Summer 13’ is officially underway with the soft launch being the list completed this weekend and the harder version being the two physical projects per weekend till Christmas starting next weekend! this space as “The Block” moves to our shack at Muriwai !!

Wow,big sporting weekend @ 48 with plenty of action, drama, blood, sweat and some tears. Speaking of tears given Fletchers impressionable age and penchant for repeating what those around him explete we have introduced a gold coin fine system to discourage swearing especially during close sporting encounters ! The proceeds are going into Fletchers BNZ piggy bank and ultimately into his Kiwi saver account !!! Needless to say after this weekends events and the subsequent stream of non compliant language he has done nicely out of the deal. Swearing = being lazy and is not a good look, time for the grumpy man to get more creative with vocab !!

From the ‘Upbeat ‘ file….Last week I heard the word ‘Upbeat’ used a number of times which always brings a smile to my face. I was prompted to visit the personalised plate website to find that someone already has the plate ‘Upbeat’ but that if I parted with a mere $899.00 I could have several other versions using numbers  instead of letters! !hmmmmmmmm,better buy paint instead!!

I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable Spring weekend, have a great week ahead, Cheers Jonesey!


.Harry and the Hendersons reckon dogs can teach Fletcher fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down!!!


Most people I know are more ‘Upbeat’ and happy on Fridays than any other day of the week.

The Friday mind set can be counter productive as there is a tendency to perceive that people don’t want to see or talk business with anyone on a Friday given they are on the weekend wind down.

This applies especially to my profession ‘sales’. If I had a $1 for every time I have been told by a colleague that there is no use calling on a customer on a Friday (especially after lunch) I would be a wealthy man. This is a dangerous perception and one neither we or our colleagues can afford to have.

To give you a good example I was able to call on three customers last Friday afternoon. In two cases I had arranged appointments without any hassle and in the third I called in to close a deal I have been working on for some time. In all cases my customers were pleased to see me and happy to talk.

The myth that everyone is winding down for the weekend on a Friday is exactly that, a myth. If you think that no one wants to see you on a Friday or that there is no business to be done on a Friday then you need to have a Stephen Covey style ‘Paradigm shift’ and change your mindset. The fact that people are more ‘Upbeat’, happier and expectant of a cool weekend makes them easier to do business with. Fridays are BIG business days and maybe the reason they are is because a large number of your competitors arn’t out there,preferring instead to waste time in the office and finish early to get a flying start to their weekend !!! Believe me, Fridays are BIG for business, I bet if you focus on making this the case you and your company will benefit….good luck, have fun on Fridays!


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