Monday, July 16, 2012

Fittest Shark in the West !

Edition147 Monday 16th July 2012

Hi,I am addicted to exercise 7 days per week having developed a program that is daily habit and second nature. The secret to the programme is its diversity as it is split into three sections; Running Monday,Wednesday,Friday approximately 8-10km. Pumping iron in the Muriwai Gym Tuesdays and Thursdays and Swimming 1km Tuesday, Thursday in suburban pools as time permits and Saturday/Sunday at the local pool in the wild west. The theory is that by mixing things up the aging body gets a chance to recover in between sessions. It has worked well but isnt without its moments and risks….for example;
My run is at 5.20am and takes in the local West Coast Beach which with its black sand in the darkness can be a bit of a lottery like last week when I came across a 4-5 foot shark washed up that appeared dead. I gave it a wide berth and continued on to the the turn around point, then to my horror on the way back the shark had disappeared!!!, needless to say I gave the spot a wider berth!...little sharks have big parents and friends! Then there is the Muriwai Gym that doubles as the man shed and canine accomodation/leisure centre!! One has to juggle bench press, sit ups  and squats with licks in the face from Harry and the Hendersons, firewood and latest DIY projects. Last but not least the 1km swim 4 days per week where depending on what suburban pool you end up in you run the gauntlet on picking up every disease going, sneezing and coughing uncontrollably afterwards just to keep the programme ticking over. All that said it is hugely worthwhile to have developed the exercise habit and to have the obvious benefits. With the impending birth of another son I am determined to be the fittest 50 plus year old father going. Plus I want to look younger so our son doesn’t notice until I am well past 60 that I may be a little different in age to other parents. Getting to this point and maintaining the program is all about commitment, passion,discipline, habit and making sure I get plenty of rest along the way, why dont you join me??
We had a cool time on the weekend and cooked some delicious date scones in the new oven,Yum!!!!
I hope you had a great weekend doing fun stuff with friends and family,Cheers Jonesey

Harry and the Hendersons reckon the shark was more like 2-3 not 4-5 foot long..dreamer!

“If you don’t close you are working for the competition”Alfred Tack

Continuing with the ‘Integrity Selling’ theme of recent weeks we have had examples of how to and how not to Approach and Interview propspects and we have heard about how one sales person has used valIdation to reinforce and recommend the product they are selling. The remaining steps in the sequence are the Negotiate and Close steps and really if the three previous steps have been followed religiously they should not take much doing at all. In fact they should come naturally and without the drama sometimes associated with closing deals.
I prefer to approach the negotiate and close steps as a summary of the facts established leading up to asking for the order. Having listened to the customers requirements and establishing their needs clearly you will have hopefully come up with a solution. This will have been validated by you throughout the sales process by referring to other satisfied users or by physically demonstrating your solution being used by others . In an ideal world this will then result in the sale being asked for and made with a minimum of fuss. If however the successful close is not forthcoming then you can refer back to the information gathered and agreed through the previous stages to again get agreement on the requirement/need and acceptance that your solution will solve/improve the situation.
Integity selling is not a process you will pick up overnight it is something that needs to be practised and developed as a habit hence the need to read the book several times to reinforce the process.
So, regardless of what role or industry you are in this book has a message for all….good luck !!

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.”John F Kennedy

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