Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Razzle, Dazzle !!


Edition 117 Monday 21st November 2011
Hi,its hard to beat the adrenalin rush of a motorbike ride, it has been far too long since the Suzuki Retro got to stretch her legs, memo to self don’t let it happen again this Summer. We took the opportunity to check out some of the worlds best triathletes this weekend in the Auckland ITU event on the city of sails waterfront. How cool to see Andrea Hewitt, Kris Gemmell and Bevan Docherty on the podium and at the top of their game on the world stage…..roll on London Olympics ! Certainly made me keen to get back in to it in the new year all going well. She is a tough road saving the planet but hey someone has to do it and this weekend I was on call representing Green Gorilla Bins at the coal face, the sharp end of the environmental cutting edge. It was a buzz as all hell broke loose and our customers got into the building, construction, DIY swing of things. It was a pleasure to sign plenty of business as the enquiry came thick and fast, thanks to all our customers for their continued support and positive feedback. I love providing exceptional customer service and it is especially rewarding when good service self fulfills and manifests itself into referral and additional business.The personal touch combined with a small willing and enthusiastic team determined to deliver on the service promise is a powerful combination for any business. I was encouraged to dig out a framed poster I bought at the Avondale Market a few years ago that says it all in my view. It is a picture of a giant lion and says…….”Customers are King in our business, customers make paydays possible” The poster has pride of place at my desk. I never thought I would enjoy working the weekend so much, crikey making money is simple and can be lots of fun.
I hope you had fun too this weekend with family and friends. Have a great week…..cheers Jonesey!

Harry Jones the planet saving hound is a proud member of the Green Gorilla team!

I saw this poster on a Toyota dealership wall once;
What is a customer?
A customer is the most important person ever in this office…in person or by mail.

A customer is not dependent on us…we are dependent on him or her.

A customer is not an interruption of our work…they are the purpose of it. We are not doing them a favour by serving them…they are doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to do so.
A customer is not someone to argue or match wits with. Nobody ever won an argument with a customer.
A customer is someone who brings us their wants. It is our job to handle them profitably to them and ourselves.”

Ever since seeing this I have used it in every role I have ever held in a company. It says everything about the importance of customers to a business. It is a creed or ethos that should be followed by every business. Ideally,every employee should refer to this before , during and after every day in a business serving customers. As my $10 poster from the Avondale Market above so rightly said without customers paydays are not possible. We would all do well to remember this in our jobs because it is obvious that a number of businesses lose sight of this and struggle because of it.
This weekend has been a timely reminder for me and for us all as we approach an important part of our financial year where making every post a winning one is essential prior to the break….good luck !

“Customer service isnt about satisfaction. Its about dazzlement.” Chip R. Bell

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