Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saving, Kiwi style !!

Hi,I remember as a kid I was introduced to saving by the ASB from a very early age. Each Wednesday I would take my bank book to school in its special holders containing amounts of money I had managed to earn, save, cajole or amass by fair means or foul. The bank books would be collected  and then returned in the afternoon. I will never forget the thrill of opening the book and seeing the new balance recorded! Unfortunately I peaked early as a saver and battled to maintain the same disciplines as an adult. Recently I found a piggy bank in the shape of a rugby ball(of course) and have been regularly throwing loose change in it. I cant believe how good it makes me feel to do that. Amazing how something that simple can stimulate the old desire to save regularly,good message in todays world of the electronic and online payment. Its actually hard to end up with any cash or loose change in your pocket these days, so my message today…carry cash and save a little bit …often
I am also a Kiwisaver and try to allocate anything else I can when I can into a  savings account. Prior to actually stopping and thinking about it I didn’t even have a savings account, sad but true ! 
Speaking of no cash, we found ourselves at church this weekend at a family christening when the collection plate was passed around, it was quite noticeable to see how few present had any coins or notes, what next eft pos or cash machines at church? I felt good after being to church, always a good opportunity to reflect on ‘life in the fast lane’, nice also to be with family again.
I hope you had an awesome weekend in the sun with family and friends and you managed to recharge the batteries for another big week ahead, have a good one……………cheers Jonesey

Psssst Harry the ‘All Black’ hound says,don’t mention the rugby,Jonesey’s still very upset!

“You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate” Samuel Goldwyn

Do you pay the ticket price for anything or do you haggle to get a better deal?
You have heard the old adage, “If you don’t ask you don’t get” and it is true.
When I was a new vehicle sales professional we always maintained that “every prospective customer should have the opportunity to pay full retail”…and quite often people did without question!
Selling and buying is all about negotiation, how good do you feel if you buy something after negotiating a discount? Conversely how bad do you feel after buying something where you feel you paid too much or didn’t ask for a discount? Or how bad do you feel when you sell something for a giveaway price or match a competitors offer just to get the sale? Or conversely how good do you feel when you sell something at a fair price and good margin for your company?I can see you nodding!
Here are some simple negotiation tips when buying and selling;
When selling
  • Establish what your customer is willing to spend, build desire to own your product/service
  • Know your product (features and benefits) and your costs so you live and breathe its value.
  • Start at a higher price so you have room to move if asked for a discount or value add
  • Never give something in the negotiation without asking for something in return ie; longer term
  • Know your competitors products and pricing,establish what your customer is paying already.
When buying
  • Always ask for a discount or how you can receive some value added extras ie; free delivery?
  • Never pay retail, do some market research and know what other companies are offering.
  • Offer a low price so you have room to increase the bid if you need to.
  • Stay calm and cool be objective rather than emotional.
  • Be prepared to walk away or decline the sale and purchase,watch the effect on the vendor!
Negotiation needs to be a natural and accepted part of every sale whether buying or selling..go for it!

“Let us never negotiate out of fear.But let us never fear to negotiate.” John F Kennedy

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