231 Monday April 28th 2014
Hi,you know its time to stop painting when;
- Your wife asks when you will be doing the wall you have just finished!
- Harry visits you to check on progress and assists by brushing a wall(attached).
- You discover you have just done the ceiling twice without noticing.
- You fall asleep in the sun between coats !
- The sealant you are using appears to make holes, cracks and gaps worse!Yes another long weekend on the tools for this DIY warrior at 48!! Looking good (better).One of the many things I love about my wife is her cool calm collected nature especially under fire or in a crisis.There tends to be a lot of opportunities around our house for her to train to overcome these situations! Now in an effort to use these skills to assist others in our community Christine has enrolled for a three month probationary training program with our local Volunteer Fire Brigade! Fletcher and I are extremely proud of her and we know deep down that it was our ‘in house’ training that has made our ‘Volly’ what she is today! Behind every heroine there are multiple crisis at home that shape the passion, character and spirit of that person. Good to see that now you are a ‘Jones’ you have accepted the challenge and are indeed setting the pace!.....Good luck sweetheart!From the Fletcher file; you think you are pretty cool when your bike seat needs to be adjusted up a notch to accommodate recent leg growth!! Crikey you will be taller than the old man soon!(not hard).Unfortunately we didn’t get to an Anzac parade on the weekend but did take some time out to relax and remember the people who made sure through their personal sacrifice we are free today.I hope you had an equally relaxing and poignant Anzac weekend with family and friends.Don’t forget Mothers Day this Sunday May 2 !!.….…………Cheers Jonesey!!The Hendersons reckon Harry looks Scooby Doo with his new white go fast stripes!“You already know something you don't even know that you know.” Dr. Milton EricksonTalk about a one armed paper hanger or a one armed brick layer in Baghdad J !!Faced with a three day week and no staff, having drawn the short straw and been left holding the fort, it was time to stop navel gazing, crying, moaning and stand up to be counted!There is no way failing was an option and the pressure was on but in a good way.Pressure to perform is a good thing and used positively can motivate us to make sure we bring our A game every day.Perform or perish may be a bit dramatic but lets face it we need to accept ownership, accountability and responsibility for performing to the best of our ability under bit of pressure or why bother?People going through the motions don’t handle pressure to perform because it interferes with their plans to cruise through the day.No place for mediocrity during a three day week and so this Green Gorilla made the decision before the week started to get excited and go for it.Yes there was the normal list of challenges to deal with however they were totally overshadowed by the high number of opportunities to do business that came our way.The exciting part for me was fielding the initial enquiry and transforming it into a total solution to much more. I got a buzz from transferring my enthusiasm and belief in what we are doing to my potential customer and so it seems did they……yes I am a bloomin legend !!!! you better believe it !!!!“What great energy, intelligence, and magnificent beautiful eyes... But enough about me, how are you doing ?” Jonesey